...for a variety of reasons. But mostly because A) I couldn't get moodle to cooperate last night, and thus could not access the homework list, and thus did none of our Japanese homework, and B) I overslept, feeling absolutely CERTAIN that with an additional few inches of snow on the already thickly-covered ground, that classes would be canceled this time. (WRONG.) So now my head is too fuzzy to even contemplate going to class, especially if I'm going to spend it feeling like a moron and having Imai-sensei glare at me for not being prepared.
So, instead, I'ma do a survey while I wake up. (At least I'm not going back to sleep. That's a point in my favor, right? ...Of course, I fell asleep listening to the audiobook of "I Am America (And So Can You!)" at like ten or ten-thirty, so that's probably not a very notable achievement in this case.)
....What is your middle name?.... Elyse
....What color is your mailbox?.... At home, white. At school, um, metal.
....Are you single?.... More or less. (All the members of the Single Girls' Couch Club appear to be present and accounted for.)
....Have you ever hit a deer?.... No. Though I did spend several minutes trying to sneak up on one, only to discover it was fake.
....Do you have to drive over a bridge to get home?.... If I'm going from North Dekalb Mall to my house in Decatur, we usually go over Sam's Crossing.
....What color is your room?.... At school, white walls covered with pictures. At home, white wallpaper covered with pictures. (The effect of the latter is overall very...pink.)
....Do you have a small driveway?.... Yeah. Still gravel and everything. At school, not so much...we have a whole parking lot.
....Do you know anyone with the same ringtone as you?.... Nope. But I get mine stuck in my head all the time.
....What do you do first in the morning?..... Groan, glare at the clock, tell myself "I can spare five/ten more minutes..." And then run late.
....What brand is your printer?.... HP.
....Do you enjoy fighting with people?.... No. Neither physically or verbally. Unless it's on Mario Party or something.
....Is your hair naturally straight or curly?.... In-between, with just one big wave in the middle that disrupts what could otherwise be nice straight hair..
....Who was your kindergarten teacher?.... Ms. Avery. Ironically, the same name as the street that both my house and the school are on.
....What is your ringtone?.… Some kinda tap-dancy music.
....Are you taller than your mom?.... About the same. I think she still has the barest height advantage.
....What curse word do you say the most when your pissed?.… I like to keep it varied. And sometimes take the lord's name in vain. (Sorry to anyone who cares.)
....Are you God?... Pretty sure no.
....Do you like someone?.... Enh. I have some interests...nothing profound.
....Do you enjoy writing in colored pens?.... Sure.
....Does anything hurt on your body right now?.... Kinda the back of my neck.
....Do you often cry during a movie?.... Not 'often,' per se.
....Last phone call you received?... Krista, at the grocery store, asking if I'd bought bread.
....Last text message?.... Chris Kopp: TORNADO WARNING!
....Do you hate your life?... Not especially.
....Do you get mad easily?.... Only in response to certain people, but I try to hide it.
....What is your biggest pet peeve?.... Maybe internet spelling.
....Are you cold?.... No. I am full of earl grey tea.
....Do any of your friends have kids?.... Not yet. o_O
....Do you know anyone that is pregnant right now?.... I don't think so.
....Who should pay on the first date?.... Either the guy, or dutch. (Am I playing into gender roles? ...Ah, whatever.)
....How many years older than you are you willing to date?.… Up to twenty-five or twenty-six, I think.
....Do you have any friends?....Happily, I have lots.
....Do you have any mean friends?.... Probably.
....What is the ugliest color to wear, in your opinion?.... Mustard yellow. Looks good on NO ONE.
....Have you ever liked someone who all your friends hate?....Probably.
....Have you ever felt like driving off a cliff, seriously?.... Um, no.
....Have you ever contemplated suicide?... I'm pretty sure everyone has, but my immediate response to those thoughts (and I mean this pretty literally, like, verbatim) was to kind of snort and think, "I can't commit suicide. That's ridiculous. I'm Anna Denson."
....Do you scratch your ears?.... I guess. If they're itchy.
....Who was the last person to hug you?.... I think...well, does Krista lying on top of me on the couch last night count? It was like a hug.
....What brand are the pant/jeans you're wearing right now?.... I can't tell. They're too busy being on me.
....How tall are you?.... A little less than 5'4".
....What is the closest green object?.... A green pencil, our potholder, parts of this Sesame Street placemat, the stems on our roses from Josh.
....If you were born the opposite sex, what would your parents name you?... I forget. Matthew, maybe?
....Do you want to have kids?....Two or three. (A boy and a girl, or two boys and a girl.)
....What is the brightest color you're wearing?.... Right now? My bright red "Wriststrong" bracelet.
....Who is the friend you have that you would never have expected to have?.... Possibly Josh. I never foresaw a giant Schwarzenegger-esque bodybuilder in my future.
....Who do you hate the most right now?.... Um. Do I have to name names? Are any of you guys friends with her? Okay, if you are, don't tell her. I'll feel bad. It's...Li Gosselink. She drives me up the wall. No, wait, I take it back! William Newlin is worse, because at least Li doesn't make my uh-oh feelings fire off. Around creepy Newlin, I feel in danger.
....What kind of car do you want?.... A mini-cooper.
....What is your favorite video game?.... Right now the answer must be Mario Party.
....Do you like your dad?.... Of course. I love him. He reminds me of Matlock. (Or vice versa?)
....Do you have any TV shows on DVD?.... Dexter, Due South, Zorro (1957), Planet Earth, Firefly, Harvey Birdman
....Are you wearing make-up?...No.
....Do you have a tattoo?....Not yet.
....Have you ever broken a pinata?... Probably.
....What time is it right now?....Time for Japanese. No, wait...
....Do you know how to draw?.... Decently.
....Who loves orange soda?....Other than Kel, I'd have to say...me. Or 5. (I remember that photo!)
....Who did you last IM?.... This guy Sikander (actual name), like months and months ago. I don't actually have AIM on my computer now.
....Do you work a lot of hours?.... Not really.
....Where were you in the last 24 hours?.... Hollenbeck, Meijer (groceries~!), mi apartmento
....Is there anything you regret?.... Sure, plenty of stuff. Yelling at Alicia freshman year is one of the biggies.
....Do you know where your family name originated from?.... Denson -- "Son of the Danes." Go figure.
....Is there an animal that creeps you out?.... Spiders. And most insects.
....What is your favorite color ON A CAR?....I dunno. Depends on the car, maybe.
....Do you use digital or film cameras?.... Digital.
....Do you own an iPod?....I did, until it got stolen two or three weeks ago.
....Have you ever been on a charter bus?.... Yes, field trips did happen in my childhood.
....Do you like going to water parks?....About medium.
And also:
You are The Star
Hope, expectation, Bright promises.
The Star is one of the great cards of faith, dreams realised
The Star is a card that looks to the future. It does not predict any immediate or powerful change, but it does predict hope and healing. This card suggests clarity of vision, spiritual insight. And, most importantly, that unexpected help will be coming, with water to quench your thirst, with a guiding light to the future. They might say you're a dreamer, but you're not the only one.
What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out. Glad that I could do something productive in my unexpected free time.