Ive always love going to the bookstore. The smell of books, silent whispers ( i dont know why but bookstores always seems quiet), and the sound of pages flipping calms me. Owh truth be told.. all this dramatic intro is actually to tell the world that...
*OWNED! owned! OWNED!*
hahahha.. Please refer to previous post. Kalau ikutkan hati there's more to beli (of course). But kenalah measure poketnye. Nak simpan duit mase depan lagi, nak shopping lagi, pay phone bills, streamyx, minyak T_T. It sucks being an adult which technically links to having responsibilities.
Ouhh.. The JOY of having scholar money semate2 untuk liburan ago-go hanyalah kenangan semalam. Now instead of making sweet innocent faces asking for extra money from the money tree at home, we (talking about my sweet friends yang dah kerja sekarang) have to GIVE the tree, MONEY. hehehe...
Untuk kawan2 yang masih belajar, this is the time to pluck every single leaf from the tree. :P bad advice but totally TRUE. *grin* nanti dah kerja, mak hulur duit pun tak sampai hati nak ambil. Teringat muke mak abah cebok berak, buat susu malam2 mase kecik2 dulu.
Sampai hati ke? hehehe.. bole je nak buat hati kering dan amik pastu susun ayat baikkkkk punye "oklah mak, pinjam dulu". Kalau dah macam tu korang bukakla buku 555. tapi hatiku tak cukup kering. Sedih rasenye bile mak hulur duit. It shows that my mom risau anaknye tak cukup duit uruskan hidup. Sebenarnye si anak masih tak reti uruskan hal2 duit. Kalau kire2 rasenye yang dispend lebih dari gaji yang masuk. tapi tak taula macam mana cukup. Duit ade je. Mane datang? entah malas nak fikir. XD
So to you, take a moment to think about it. As for me, Do i need to buy any comics next month? *sigh* Duit..duit..