I've not said anything in a long time, huh? I've been pretty busy with work and school and everything. But nothing too exciting has happened at all, really. Just purchasing Shadow the Hedgehog, Nintendogs... among other things.
I'm getting a puppy sometime. Not sure when But I can't wait. Its gonna be a little girl Shiba Inu...
I get so pissed off. Everyone is rubbing it in my face that they get to go home for thanksgiving and I don't. Well La teedah... stop rubbing it in my face! I swear I will smack the next person who mentions going home for thankstiving. I miss my friends and family, specially my sister so I don't need to deal with it...
Ahh.... I'm so tired.... But I make about 300 bucks a week. I get full commission this week too... :) Yay.
I want to draw fun things. I do.. But I can't.. not yet.
Sorry for the lack luster update. Gonna exit now. TTYL guys.