The Great Ten

Dec 31, 2017 21:05

It seems I haven't posted on this good ol' blog since 2011. 6 years doesn't seem like a lot, but it feels like a lot. I've lived so many lives since then. I'm in my last year of university now, you know. (I went for audio production, then film, and now event management). I'm literally sitting here with natural hair (it's fucking too much tbh.) And in reference to the last post I ever posted on here; I'm currently listening to Nightmare's eponymous album in my stereo, for the very first time in my life. Yes, I own it. I bought it in Japan.
I came here really, to update younger me, just so she knows how far we've come. In college, I've competed 4 semesters of Japanese language courses (I actually just took my first chinese class!) and have passed my N4 certification test as of December last year. I'm not PERFECT or anything, but now I sometimes watch dramas, movies, and even anime without subtitles (if I have to ofc), I watch jrock interviews and read jrocker and seiyuu tweets- oh, at this age we're REALLY into japanese voice actors and our favorite new media type are drama cds. (let's just say we studied our listening skills veeeery diligently and now we know a LOT of porn words.) At the beginning of this year, I applied for an internship in Japan working at a very famous and fancy bridal company. I got the job, and for three months, from May 19th to August 18th of 2017, I was in Japan. I travelled there myself, lived in my own apartment, and travelled around the country with just my language skills and google maps.
You may know this, I'm not sure that I was thinking about this so early into my jrock career, but this year is the 10th anniversary of our getting into jrock. I'll admit that post 2011 the international community takes a turn for the worse- lets just say we're a lot smaller now and that kpop is a lot bigger. Even I had a little hiatus in 2013-2014 where I got waaaay into tv shows and that whole business and as a result I lost track of a lot of the community. But I never let go. And I'm back in, stronger than ever. While in Japan (and guess what- I lived where we always wanted to live- in Kyoto), I went to 9 concerts and saw a total of 29 artists. I actually worked at a concert early on in my trip for the vocalist of Luna Sea, Kawamura Ryuichi (his 20th solo anniversary) and I even met him briefly!!! That concert I don't really count as my first though since it was work. The first live I actually ended up buying my own ticket for and going to was none other than Alice Nine, who by the way are calling themselves A9 now, but still totally kicking ass. Lolita23q and D=OUT opened for them. It was the experience of a lifetime. After them I saw Dir en Grey (during their 20th anniversary.) All in Osaka. Later I went to a festival again in Osaka and saw a bunch of bands that are very new to you, but some are total faves for us now. The opener was Tokyo Ska Paradise, the 9mm Parabellum Bullet, Super Beaver, Frederic, Blue Encount, KANABOON, sumika, and The Oral Cigarettes. I went for 9mm, Frederic, Blue Encount, and Oral. They were fucking fantastic. Later I took a big trip to Tokyo for four days and the day I arrived I saw a joint concert with Diawolf, a duo formed by Shou and Tora of our lovely A9, and,,,, The Legendary Six Nine. Yep! I saw our eldest son, Ruka, in his solo project band. Commence screaming. (Also apparently Ruru and Shou have been great friends for a long time and according to Shou it was seeing Nightmare live that made him want ot form Alice Nine!!!) LSN now consists of different members from what you remember but the vocalist is now Yusa from the KIDDIE. Our Kiddie babies disbanded in 2014 unfortunately, but they grew so big, love. You'd be proud. I actually own their last album now. When I arrived at the venue honestly it was just like the Livevil PV??? I go underground and just as I'm opening the big heavy doors the intro music is beginning. Seeing Ruka was lovely even though he didn't speak!!!! I was so enthralled. On my third day on vacation I traveled from Tokyo to Ibaraki for a HUUUUGE music festival that happens every year in Japan called Rock in Japan Festival. The first artist I saw that morning? PLASTIC TREE (20th anniversary of their debut single.) And then??????? THE GAZETTE (15th anniversary.) And then??????? MUCC (20th anniversary.) Girl, when I tell you it was fucking mind-blowing. I was SOOOOOO CLOSE to the stage, I saw everything. The Gazette played Filth in the Beauty. I know, I know. I took a little break after them, though I did hear a little snip of this band called Asparagus that I still gotta check out. But then I went and saw VAMPS on a different stage. Sooo much pushing and shoving, the people love Hyde and Kaz honestly. After that I went to the main stage and saw Perfume which was cool. And then the closer for the day was the band Sakanaction (10th anniversary.) Love, you don't know them yet, but when I say that their concert was the best concert I went to while I was in Japan, you'll understand. They were,,,,,, wow. What an experience I'll never forget. I screamed and sang and jumped my face off.
The day I got back from Tokyo I went to work for half the day and then traveled to Osaka again for a GOATBED live. GB is an electronic solo project (that I discovered through BL honestly lmao) formed by the current vocalist of a longtime pioneer of eroguro kei, the band cali gari. Both are great artists tbh. You can really jam to GB anytime.
Ah, the album just ended. I've been typing for a while I guess. It was amazing by the way. I can't wait to play it again. But anyway, on my very last full day in Japan, I travelled once more to Osaka for a festival and another live- in one day. The festival was actually like an indie festival for smaller indie artists to showcase. I went for two bands- both which I only discovered just this year. I saw the artists Hump Back (all girls and sooo good), Goodwarp, Rei, Five New Old, Pelican Fanclub, and Aimyon. The bands I went to see were Goodwarp and Pelican and they did NOT disappoint. Honestly Pelican is a true new fave. I couldn't stay for the rest of the acts though because I had another concert to go to. Funnily enough, the one I saw first with A9 was at the venue BIG CAT, and then, so was this one, my last. I saw JACKIGAN MEISTER, a solo project formed by none other than our Sakito. I know. I know. To top this off Sakito's bassist in JM is, of course, our darling Ni~ya. I saw them both on my last night in Japan. They were so amazing, truly I was so, so proud.
I know what you're thinking. All of these artists- even some of our sons- but where's Nightmare? Don't panic- they haven't disbanded. But they are on hiatus. They announced it in April of last year and it took effect the following November 23rd. By the time I got to Japan this year, there were no Nightmare concerts for me to attend. They went on hiatus, from my understanding, because they needed a break from Nightmare to produce the best music they could. They've felt like they've lost their way over time and they need a period to regroup. They've promised to return in the year 2020, on their 20th anniversary. And I believe in their promise. And you fucking BET I'll be there for their return. That's my promise to me and you. And them, Everyone has a solo project now btw. Ruru started his in what, 2010? Our baby Hitsugi was next- I think he formed his in 2014. They're called Gremlins. He sings- well of course- and he's partnered with Kenzo, ex drummer of Ayabie. (The Aoi-less Ayabie eventually disbanded unfortunately but I at least know Kenzo is still on the scene and doing great and Aoi's solo project is very lucrative and very good, he never lost his sound.) Alongside them, Mizuki, lead guitarist of Sadie (who is on hiatus now but they'll be back) and Chiyu, bassist of SuG (who JUST disbanded this year- really sad but they accomplished so much as a band) are present. They make a great foursome. Sakito was next, beginning his solo project at the beginning of this year with Ni~ya in the unit. Nini is actually the only one without his own solo project but when I tell you this boy is BUSY. He's constantly being called to play support bass for tons of artists, most frequently the great Hakuei. ( You don't know this yet but the original vocalist for Ruru's LSN? That's Hakuei, lead vocalist of powerful older band, Penicillin. We want to fuck him, reeeeeeally bad.) Honestly Nini is really widely recognized for his talents. They all are. The final solo project which formed during the summer of this year is known as TAKE NO BREAK, an appropriate name for a boy who can't seem to chill for a sec. Our ever energetic Yomi (who's supposed to be resting his vocals since vocal strain was also a reason sited for Nightmare's hiatus), formed his solo project with three kids I've literally never herd of. His is the only solo project I haven't delved into a lot yet, but I've just put on one of their songs and I must say--- well of fucking course it's good. It's yoyo. I do really want him to rest though. I want them all too. Not too much. Just enough to catch themselves. We all gotta be ready for 2020 you know.
I know this is a big AHHHHH kind of thing but don't be too upset. Il'll have you know these dorks still meet up when they have the time, go to each others lives and drink like bandmen they are, even when they're breaking. Saki, Hitsu, and Nini just wished Nightmare its 18th birthday on twitter earlier today. It's been that long. And ten of those years I was able to experience.
Side note I bought around 70 albums when I was in Japan including Ultimate Circus and Libido, those older Gianism best ofs, Five Stars Night, Varuna single A and B type, C type of Akane/Hate/Over (I just heard the remade version of Akane this year and I cried it's fucking beautiful), and a couple new ones from our boys. Plus you know, a shit ton of others.
This is a whole big info dump and I know I'm forgetting 34738753940 things but I just wanted you to know that we did it. We really did. Not everything, there's still a lot more to do. But the dreams and aspirations of learning Japanese, going to Japan, seeing our babes- for the most part, we did that. We lived that  And we're going to continue to live that and do even more and go even further.
I love you so much. It's my memory of you, of my younger heart that helps drive me forward. I want to make you proud. I want to make me proud. I want to live our dreams. So you have my word that we'll keep trying our best to live them.
A lot has happened. A lot is up in the air and who knows where I'll be going from here. I don't really see the future too much anymore or feel other people's feelings but as of like, this month, I realized I can self health???? More on that in the coming year I'm sure.
My point is is that life is moving and so am I. Gaining and losing friends. Having lots of first time experiences. (no lover yet lmao.) Discovering and learning and feeling and being. Everything's happening.
And I want it to keep happening.
The world goes fast, goes far, goes round, and I'll keep holding on.
'Til next time, love.

japanese, vk, life, love, ten, anniversary, music, resurrection, jrock

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