So it's Friday of spring break~ it all went by so quickly @_@ More than likely because I spent the entire time SPRING CLEANING. For four days straight! D:< I thought spring cleaning was a myth! Dx but it's finally over. ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
This week wasn't all bad though. :D I met Mai, like the most AMAZING guy ever! He's mah new bfffffffffffffffffffff XD It's so crazy he's like 10000000% perfect! He has an AMAZING taste in music, he listens to jrock but that isn't his whole music vocabulary, he's GOTH an has the smexy black hair and beautiful eyes, he's an Air element, he's HILARIOUS, he's really kind, he loves art- not into sports, he's strong, he's tall, he UNDERSTANDS and BELIEVES in the paranormal, he's really into Zodiac like me and his sign (Aquarius) is on my comparability chart as a YES, AND WEIRDEST OF ALL, he literally ADORES ME. O.o Like he thinks I'm beautiful, intelligent, interesting, "smexy", and apparently beyond awesome. o.o Dude, what the crap?! He needs brain surgery... >.>
But he's like the KEWLEST FRIEND EVER. XD We've talked non stop all week! But it's JUST FRIENDSHIP. >:/ He lives in new york, I'd never want to try that. Plus we've only met each other earlier this week. -_- Too quick to start crushing. :p He's just really amazing~ I feel awesome when we talk. It's been the highlight of my week. <3
Oh and just got word that cris is back! :O I've missed her so much! I had a feeling it was computer trouble. But I can't wait to hear about how shes been!!!! :D
I can definitely feel my seasons changing.... Blossoming from Winter... to Spring~
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