Spiral In, Spiral Out

Sep 11, 2009 08:37

So much has happened. My God, THIS is why I have to post everyday otherwise I'm overwelmed with stuff. Well lets see... I'm so ticked off at Ty. Everytime I start to like him a little more he does something horrid that makes me hate him once again. You would not BELIEVE what he's done. Seducing and corrupting a little girl, having sex with his girlfriend in his room with his little brothers home (not the same girl but same time period), being WAY unfaithful to Kaitlyn, lying about it to K-chan and I (we're the only ones that know and sam) ... I have to say he's really done it this time. And I've found something out. I'm much more worried for the girl than I am Kaitlyn. Because I realize something. I can't keep fighting to save people who don't want it or are too stubborn and selfish to listen. I ALWAYS do that. And I'm tired. I don't have infinant compassion anymore. I'm just too tired to care. I love Kaitlyn like a sister. Without her the four Elements aren't complete anymore. But really... about helping her.. I just don't care. I'm done. She's way too SELFISH. But I am worried about the girl. Appearently she goes to our old middle school Surfside. She's like a super perfect A student. But since she met Ty her grades have dropped and shes been skipping class. You wanna know why? I've been thinking back to that day last week when Ty rode his bike home in the rain. I was so scared I didn't know why. Just a bad feeling. But I feel so STUPID now. The reason Ty was riding his bike home was because he wasn't going home. Surfside is very close to Arnold High. We get out of school a half hour before the middle schoolers. He rode his bike to Surfside to meet her. Just to meet her (btw he has a girlfriend and Kaitlyn). The girl was caught skipping class early to meet him. When her mom found out and told her she couldnt see him anymore she had a FREAK OUT. Like serious crazy attack. I just do not understand. Ty has this... power over people. Bending them to his will and desires. Why does it work on everybody? But seemingly not me? Maybe 'cause I'm too repelled by his energy? I mean we have to remember the whole "I think I might have feelings for him" thing. But I'm thinking it's not that since his actions repulse me too much. No, I think its something like... a bond. Energy bond maybe? We're connected somehow on some basis. I can feel it. We have comple opposite elements. I'm a Water, he's a Fire. But we share the same sub element. Air. Like we have some purpose to be together. But not in THAT way. >.< We have some things in common (besides our taste in music). Our issues with our dads. Our link to paranormal stuff. Our knowlage of cetain things... But I don't know. I was so ticked off with him when I found out wednesday. I hadnt really seen him after that until today we were in the cafeteria line together but he was a few people behind me. And he kept STARING AT ME as if studying me or something. I didn't look at him and just tried to seem engulfed in Jenny's conversation with me. I didnt see him at all while I was outside eating with everyone, but I felt weird. After school I was talking with everyone while waiting for the bus like usual. And like usual me and K-chan's bus was one of the last to get there. Mostly all our friends had gone alreay (escept Mikayala). So when our bus finally got there we were talking about spirit week and I was leading the way to the bus. Deep in my subconsious I knew I was going the stupid way but we just kept going that way (even K-chan was thinking it too). I was like five feet from my bus when I hear him running behind me and the next thing I know I'm in the arms of an energy stealing psy vamp. Again. It was simple though which is not like Ty. Usually he doesnt let go until I fight him (and even then I'm not strong enough). But he just wanted to say goodbye and hug me. It was strange. His hug still drained me tremendously. But there was something else. When he toutched me it was like.. for a second I was looking inside of him. Just a glimps. But there like... this light childlike innocence in him. And innocence is something I've know Ty to lack. But it seemed pure. Like a little flicker of light in a really dark void. Almost like I skipped passed everything else in him and went right to the center.... And then I couldnt be mad anymore. I almost wanted to cry actually. Even now. I dont understand what it is with him and I. But I wish I did. It's raining again.

ty, hate, spiral in, raining again, k-chan, love, vampire, energy, spiral out, zaikyo, music, staind

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