A Thousand Cranes

Nov 12, 2008 18:56

A Thousand Cranes

I'm trying to stop the tears
Everything inside me is now hatred
And I feel so ugly when I cry

This is all your fault
Each time you suppress my spirit and creativity
I know my vision is worth more than you deserve

You've raised me to think you own me
And for a moment I believed you
But not anymore

I almost want to laugh
Because you actually claim you know me
Just because you have the higher status

You do not know me at all
Nor do you own any part of me
I am not your puppet

What truly amazes me
Is believe everything you say is right
Does that mean the rest of the world is wrong?

I have a vision and state of mind
That you could never be able to comprehend
You see everything one way, and it's not mine

I have a secret to tell you though
You're the one who knows me the least
And I'm not giving you another chance to see

No matter how much you try
And pressure me to change
I'll never be like you

If there were a thousand cranes
That suddenly appeared around me
You could never tell me from the rest

But I am like a crane
Unique and colorful
But you'll never know

I wont be subjected to the leech that you are
I have too much to lose
My soul seeks refuge from your dictatorship

There are those out there
Whom I would trust with just about anything
But you're not one of them

Someday I wont depend on you for anything
And just like time
I will leave you forever behind

I have no tears left to shed for you
It's best to save them for something important
But there's no anger left either

So I've one more secret for you
You lose now
Because all I'll spare you

Is nothing

hate, thousand, nothing, poetry, cranes

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