(no subject)

Mar 16, 2007 12:17

UMass and all its inhabitants depress me.

Also, somebody stole my credit card information and has been making charges on my account in Western Mass. Good job, lowlife. I know it happens often, but honestly...who does that? Who thinks, "Today would be a great day to rip somebody off. I'm not going to get a job and earn money...I'm going to steal people's credit cards and make THEM work 52 hours a week to pay it off."

Some people are just bags of skin wasting oxygen.

We talked about that in ethics the other day. The whole idea of "equality." Everybody wants equality but nobody realizes what equality implies. Equality means everybody is treated equally. So that means no more stigmatizing child molestors and murderers. After all, we're all equal, right?

Fuck equality. Some people deserve to be treated like shit.

That's my rant of the day.
I don't want to work today; I feel bloated and antisocial.
I want to sit in Borders and drink one of their disgustingly expensive lattes and draw with my new Prismacolors and pretend my life isn't as mediocre as everybody else's.
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