Mar 30, 2006 20:02
So I just made it through my first spinning class. Pretty freaking amazing, I know. It actually wasn't too bad, it went by really fast. I'm definitely going to take it up regularly. Hopefully shed a few el bees by prom/swimsuit time.
Basically...things have been ok. I'm trying to get out and do more now that the weather's nice. Cleaned my car today. Room's next. I've been working out more, trying to take care of myself. I let myself go there for awhile but I'm coming back. School is basically over for me so you know, just go with the flow I guess.
I'm getting really excited for the summer. I don't even care if I have to work 35-40 hours a week, the nights will be awesomeee. Just this weekend should be amazing. Tomorrow= no school, visiting MCLA with my mom. Hopefully hanging out with Krystine at night. Maybe clubbing, maybe Boston, probably just good ole Pville. Who knows! Saturday= work 9-4, then BOSTONNN with Erin, Kayleigh, and maybe others, I don't really know haha, for Jan's 18th. We're going to Dick's Last Resort, should be hilarious with those people because they crack me up. Sunday= not sure, haven't gotten my schedule yet but I think Brandon wants to do something so we'll see. Anddd Monday= no school again, visiting Umass Dartmouth with Kayleigh. Should be an intense road trip.
Speaking of road trips, skipped with Kay on Tuesday and drove down to Fall River for some prom dress shopping. Umm yeah, never again. We ended up lost in the extreme ghetto. We almost hit like 50 homeless people with my car and we saw a prostitute tramping around at around 11 am. Love that! Definitely applied hand sanitizer the SECOND i got in my car.
I'm definitely feeling some laser tag in the near future. Who's game?