Sep 20, 2006 21:40
So, I've been having the MOST terrible luck lately. It's insane!
First: Monday morning at work, I'm helping to clean out behind the aisles (there's a small space there where products sometimes fall so we gotta go back and make sure we get everything for inventory) and BAM! my shoulder scrapes against a... something. I guess a beam or something, and I get this nice little gash, which, although not serious, isn't particularly pretty either.
Second: Tuesday morning I'm crossing Eastern Parkway after class, and out of freaking nowhere this car just whizzes by. I was literally inches away from the damn car. I catch my breath and start crossing. This other car comes right at me and squeals their breaks, again coming VERY close to hitting me. I, of course, scream "What the hell?" and move on, pointing to the prominent RED LIGHT in front of me. The woman in the car shouts back "GET OUT OF THE DAMN WAY, THIS IS A FUNERAL PROCESSION!" Man, would that have not been like, the most ironic way to die ever.
Third, and this one is pretty major: I managed to fall directly on my face at school. Well, ok, more like my forehead. So, me and Jess are coming back from the Taco Hut (where you can get Taco Bell and Pizza Hut under the same roof, for my CT peeps) and while we're walking back Jess tells me to watch out for the stick (there's a stick on the ground I could trip on) So, being the stupid 20-something I am, I try to jump the bush. Bad idea. See, it turns out that there was a branch protruding from the bush that my leg just happened to get tangled on. Ok, no big deal, just catch myself, right? Well, I tried to land on my knees, but at the time I was wearing my backpack. My HEAVY backpack. So, instead of landing on my knees the weight shifts and pow, I hit the pavement with my forehead. As can be expected much bloodiness and pain ensues, although it's kind of blurry in my head from there. Jess is a saint and takes me to the school clinic, and helps fill out my paperwork and stuff, and in a few minutes I'm all patched up, except for this "horribly embarrassing" gauze patch on my head, soon to be replaced by a horribly ugly scab, which will probably be replaced by a horribly ugly scar. Ah well, that's life, I guess.
Anyway, for now I'm still alive, but I wonder if I should just not leave the house for the rest of the week O_O I mean, holy crap...