new improved happy shrew!

Mar 31, 2006 10:21

today i play the game of being a happy shrew. been miserable for about a week now for one reason or another and i'm really quite bored of being grumpy all the time when i really have a lot of things to be happy about: i have a wonderful boyfriend, some fabulous friends, i'm doing a course i really enjoy, my job doesn't suck that much and at least it pays quite well for what it is...etc. so really, i have no reason to be miserable.

my mummy and daddy and possibly my small (but bigger than me) sister are coming in a bit to take me for lunch. i haven't eaten yet today so i can be a piglet :). then i shall go to the library and get my hittites and mycenaeans hats on. i have been neglecting my studying of late, and that will not do if i'm wanting distinctionness!

hehe...i got a book yesterday from amazon about linear b. it is by jt hooker. that made me giggle!

tomorrow kryogenix beckons, hooray! a few people are coming to my house for drinkage beforehand, if you fancy joining us please let me know :).

*ubersparklehappy vibes*
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