(no subject)

May 27, 2005 09:39

hmm...oddly nervous, though not sure what about. currently trying to make my cv shorter, as apparently anything over 2 pages is bad. and it's so hard - i'm used to bullshitting and making things longer, not shorter. my head feels like it's full of cotton wool - so sleepy.

very little has happened since i last updated - in short, i have djed the last piracy of the year, seen revenge of the sith again, eaten lots of junk food and faffed around lots. so today is proactive day. of finding jobness and of publicising rocksoc end of year partyness. and partaying with dougalness.

oh yes, rocksoc end of year party - fabulous. tis on tuesday 9pm-2am at spiders, £2 and non-members are welcome. also i'm djing, hooray and so forth. so please come along. tis also dougal's last night here so that's reason enough :).

:: how jedi are you? ::

sleepity sleepity sleepity shrew...
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