(no subject)

May 23, 2005 11:23

i'm not a very nice person it would seem...hmm...feeling ever so slightly uncomfortable with myself. meh...onto better things.

have finished degree! hell yeah! i'm very happy about this, now i can slag off students properly (god, they suck, don't they). last exam wasn't too bad, it was all on stuff i'd actually revised so hopefully i've done ok. went to the ark afterwards but it was full of students so we left for the bag o nails, which was surprisingly quiet. it's quite strange really, everyone else at uni seems to be celebrating this ubermajorthing of finishing degrees, but it doesn't really seem that big a deal to me. hmm.

went to the cinema in the evening to see the new star wars film. fabulous. enjoyed it very muchly. me and chris are going to the savoy on wednesday to see it again - yay orange wednesdays! so if anyone wants to come with us twould be cool.

went to matt's party on saturday, and had an excellent time, despite feeling a bit meh to start off with, mostly due to still being plagued by the uberasthma from hell. had some lovely chats with people, and got dressed up in a fabulous corset - i want, i want! but need job first! so indeed, twas a good night.

spent yesterday being very lazy, and did very little apart from snuggling in front of various tv programme/film type things. but was nice. it feels so good not to have to stress about one piece of work or other.

still no reply from that twat i asked to referee me. later i'm going to go on campus and break his legs.
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