(no subject)

May 05, 2005 08:58

my last but one piece of coursework is due at 4.00 today. i started at about 7.00 this morning and am now nearly half way through - this normally takes me way longer so i'm scared i've written complete drivel - but at least it'll be done and it'll be one less thing to worry about.

i wish that twat had let us choose our essay topic instead of choosing for us. i just can't make myself care about whether or not mycenaean artefacts in aegean and mediterranean areas are due to colonisation or trade. so bored. so very very bored.

i saw the hitch hiker's guide to the galaxy last night (great procrastination method!). i was very impressed. i haven't read the books but i've seen the tv series quite a bit and the film definitely did not disappoint. i want a woolly marvin! please someone make me one, i'll be your friend forever! yay! was giggling all the way through :).

i don't like the way it seems to be cold now. glad i didn't give dougal his fan heater back, it's keeping me toasty.

grr...essay...moan moan whinge whinge can't be arsed etc etc...

EDIT: is finished! spent more time faffing than writing though so could have finished it hours ago. but i did include the word 'plethora', which is one of my favourites, so i'm feeling very proud of myself :D.
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