Georgia is a lot further away from Louisiana than it looks. I always forget that until I'm in the car; usually around the fourth hour or so it hits me. We left at 10:00 am central and arrived at 9:00 pm eastern, which gave me time to work on the
Little Devil Pants for my cousins and listen to Little Women courtesy of
LibriVox. It will, however, make it slightly more difficult to wake up for work tomorrow.
Also, I finished The Gun Seller, which I enjoyed, but not nearly as much as I was expecting to enjoy it. It was very funny. But I felt like I spent the whole novel going "that's funny, I should laugh at that" instead of actually laughing. I can't decide whether this was a case of me over-hyping the book to myself before starting based on other people's hype, or whether I just couldn't fully appreciate a spy novel satire because I don't read that many spy novels.