I found out a while ago that my soprano section leader is also a bit of a Pokemon Go fan. As some of the special events happen right after church, we have on occasion played together. Today we had an appointment to pop eggs and become 'Best Friends,' which ended up being quite the good time. I'm often terrible with relating to people from one context in another context, so I always enjoy when it happens organically. Do other people have that problem?
Singing Into the Deep
I love this movement from Rutter's Requiem. It is such a great Alto song! I've been assigned to first soprano for nearly a year now, but I still spent 15 years singing low alto, so I always get a little thrill when a great alto song come up.
My cold is on the way out, what more could I want?
This is the one part of my weekend plan that I did really well on. I got through all my backed up mail, made it to inbox zero (well, more or less) and reconciled my analog and digital calendars. Go me!
Cooking for the week
I am not the biggest fan of cooking, but I do recognize it as a necessary part of my life. Last week, with having been away all weekend, I did pretty terribly on the cooking front -- like I did it not at all. This week I really needed to do better. So right now, in my refrigerator, I have portioned off lunches for the whole week (butter beans in bbq sauce, potato salad, and a mixture of roasted tomatoes, garlic, and edamame) as well as some homemade sun dried tomato hummus to put on pasta for a couple of dinners. The best part of all? Everything was made from things I already had on hand!