Aug 10, 2004 00:21
Hey, Syd (and Danielle) Lets go get shot at again!
"....or else you're GONNE BE A DUNKED COOKIE"
Remember this:
Beaver one, beaver all let's all do the beaver crawl
Beaver two, beaver three lets all climb the beaver tree
Beaver four beaver five, lets all do the beaver jive
Beaver six, beaver seven lets all go to beaver heaven
Beaver eight, beaver nine... STOP! It's Beaver Time!
Go beaver, go beaver, go go go beaver
Ooooh, it’s on: we’re gonna Battle….
And I am going to win!
I dont want to shoot him, i just want to throw rocks at him and stone him to death
That sthe same guy?!...........I CANT BELIEVE IT
Note to self: Always wear bra to Cheer practice
And for Daniel..........
Rock your body, mic check 1, 2
Because it ain't a party til my crew run through
Shake some body, show me what you can do - like Ohhh, Ohhh
Rock your body, mic check 1, 2
DJ spin the needle, rock into the groove
Bump it louder so the crowd wanna move - like Ohhh, Ohhh