- There is always some or the other construction work going on around -_- So not fond of noise pollution.
- On the wanted listing, the top thing is ficcing muses. I actually have some time before college starts >< but I can't think of a single darn thing to write ;-; I am trying a hand at original writing too, but that's not panning out well u.u everything either remains unfinished or is plain too cliched :x
- Been catching up with Naruto Shippuden :D :D Anime, because I'm way too lazy to read the manga.
- Been achieving some progress on the cooking front! Yest we made our first ever batch of Soba noodles xDDDDD ^^ in a completely non authentic manner since we didn't really have any other Japanese ingredients but w/e. Tasted great!
- If you need crack, watch Baka to Test to Shōkanjū go watch it now xD a bit cliched in places but pure crack fun x))))
- I should stop procrastinating and update lj ficcies on ff.net sometime >>
- Made new header from old wallie xD something rainy season-ish.
- Have a shiny Yamamoto wall xD I did this a bit ago but spamming it here anyway xD
1280 x 800 and
1024 x 768 because I miss spamming stuff >>
- Till writing muse comes bk, I abuse a rusty art muse and churn out random nature stuff >.> which I may spam after nee-san takes piccies for me.
- Thats all for now! *waves to flist*