Feb 21, 2005 16:59
hey ppl!! how was your day?? mine was just dandy...after lunch we went outside...(me, kevin, ben, paige, mari, and jamie) first me and paige snowmobiled for like 20mins and kevin and ben kept throwing snowballs at us!! sso then i drove jamie around 1 time...then paige and mari went inside so i got off the snowmobile and ben drove jamie around..then me and kevin were throwing snowballs at each other....then we went to see the bunnies and mari and paige came back outside....then me and kevin were throwing snowballs at ben and jamie on the snowmobile...this snow ball throwing turned into a game of hide and go seek without the seek... it was fun tho cuz me and kevin hid in the corn...then throw snow balls at them..lol...but then kevin like ran into the woods bcuz those guyz were taking so long to come bak up from out behind r house....so then i went to find him...i followed his trail...i found him then me and him were trying to hide from jamie and ben bcuz they would stop and look for us in the woods...then if they found us they would go off...then if they didn't they would drive by real slow...the first cuples a times they kept seeing me cuz i had on this BRIGHT orange coat... and ya kevins like they mite c ya lol...then me and kevin ran to the corn and hid...for like 10mins waiting for them to come drive by us ...then kevin ran to the wagon im like oh crap...cuz uhh i did want them to c me....then i hid in my moms hunting hut but yet my bro saw me and he dumped tons of snow on me ...then i got out i was walking toward where kevin was in the wagon and my bro is like where is kevin..im like in the woods...then he went up by the house.. so i went and hid by these wagons and my bro drove by and he didn't see kevin til he threw a snowball at him so yup then kevin ran out behind the house by the woods agin and then my bro came and i went looking for kevins tracks then i stopped cuz i was so tired my bro left then i new where kevins tracks were so i followed them ...and we were sitting in the woods for about 20mins waiting for my bro to come look for us on the snowmobile and he never did so me and kevin were out in the woods and we were throwing snowballs at each other wooo it was great fun...hehe ok and then were like uhh ok they arent cummin...this is wen we started to get bored so we walked bak up to the house...then we were inside..and he tried deleting his screen name off my buddy list ha it didn't work and now im bored cuz kevin and paige left.. so ya im gun bounce i gotta get ready for my great g-ma's funeral thingy..she died :( ill talk to u all later!! <3 ya all bunches *KT*