(no subject)

Jun 02, 2006 00:21

Once you are tagged you MUST write an entry about 6 weird habits/things as well as choose the next six people to be tagged and list their names.

1. Smoking

Keep saying I will quit, never do. It's going to kill me.

2. Self Esteem lower than the Titanic

I obviously have weight issues. I have forever, and probably always will. I hate the way I look, the way I walk, my voice, my body... practically everything. It's really pathetic.

3. Forgiving too easy

If you fuck me over I'll let you off the hook with a pathetic apology. I'm trying very hard to stop this.

4. Hygiene

I have to shave every day. I also have to shower in the morning before school but also at night. I brush my teeth a minimum of 4 times a day. I carry deoderant with me everywhere and spray perfume religiously.

5. Procrastinator

I wait until the last minute for everything, and sometimes I don't even do it at all.

6. Makeup

If I'm not wearing makeup I feel ten times uglier than I usually do.

7. i have this wierd social anxiety type deal

i wont call people. i hate the phone, and the idea of being responsible for keeping up conversation. i wont make plans with ANYONE. i wont go into new situations by myself. even stuff like going into a group of people that i already know, i HATE it. just the first 5 minutes/walking in deal. i start to freak out. alot of times ill just stay home so i dont have to deal with it, which is wierd bc i hate being home. i like to be with people all the time. i make no sense.


TAG.... YOU'RE IT! (if you've already dont it, sorry, im too lazy to look thru everything!)

1. Sarah
2. Bonnie
3. Darrien
4. Meg Wall
5. Joe OQT
6. Ben
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