Jul 06, 2005 11:07
Wow so it's been a long time since my last update so ill just get right into everything that has been happening!
Wensday night i went over to Rachel's house and we hung out adn had a blast! then we woke up super early and got ready to go then i was putting my stuff together and i realised that i had forgotten my bathing suit bottom! So i had to call my mom and have her bring it to me! which i thought was kind of funni lol then at the park rach said it opened at 9:30...no 10:30 so we were waiting outside for like 40 mins and everyone had to pee really bad lol then rach mer brent and savana all went on hte superman while me and linda watched them lol then they went ont someone rides and her and linda had to run al over the park trying to find brent and savana be we couldn't lol then we spend some time in hte water park area which was fun becuase it was very hot out that day! Later mer and rach wented to go on more dry rides so they did but me and linda stayed and played on hte water rides fun of course! ( Rach i am sorry i hope ur not mad that i didn'y go on any dry rides but i still had fun) I had had a headach all day but it got worse later i hte day so on the way home i slept alot. then my daddy came and got me and when i got home my mom started freaking out and called the doctor and i almost had to go to the hospital ahhh good thing i didn't! i had heat and sun stroke! scarie i kno!
So friday i went over to my g-unit's house and watched my cousin and then my aunt and uncle came and got me and i went over there all weekend and boy oh boy what fun did me and chelle have! friday we drove up on a road (very scarie at night) (albino killers) then saturday she had to go get her tattoo filled in and that didn't take long so after we went to red lobster for lunch yummy yummy and then target where we spent like 2 hours lol then home and we drove around and went to a very old cemetery! then sunday we hung out i nhte morning and went to p&c and then went over to g-units house for dinner and we were all supposted to go to fire works but russ adn chelle decied they didn't want to do i went ( because my daddy would have been very sad if i hadn't gone) the i decided i would not go back to russ's and chel's house so they could get some sleep! your welcome! J/P So on monday my whole family went over to russ's and chell's house for a 4th of july party what fin we had! No but really we did lol
Then i went home monday nad tuseday my cousin came over in the morning and then we went to his dentist appt! and then to barnes adn nobles which was a blast lol then home and themy aunt came and got us on her way home and wensday here i am !
Wow i thknk this is the longest entry ever yay! But yeah 2 more days over here then i have a week off cuz there goin to califorina ! im jealous! Comment if you love me which i know you do!