A baby is an angel

Feb 17, 2010 17:29

Fleur was exhausted.

She was tired, and achey, and wanted nothing more to sleep, but none of that mattered. Not now. Not when her tiny son slept in her arms, less than an hour old. He was early, but he was perfect.

Bill had scrawled off notes to his and Fleur's parents, sure that the news would only spread from there. At the last moment he remembered to send an owl the Headmistress. It looked like he was going on his short leave earlier than expected.

Sitting on the chair beside Fleur's bed, he looked at the tiny little blondish bundle settled in his wife's arms. Small, but unusually so, Bill knew he'd grow. That's what Weasley men did.

"Do you want to 'old 'im?" Fleur asked, blue gaze darting from the top of her son's head to meet her husband's.

Bill simply held out his arms and waited for the precious cargo to be placed there. Running a fingertip lightly down the nose that was purely his mother, the man looked at Fleur. "You should sleep when you have the chance. Tristian and I will be right here waiting for you. Won't we, buddy?" He looked down at the infant.

"Mmm, I do not want to sleep just yet," she murmured with a fond smile. "'e is so beautiful."

"Liar." Bill's eyes twinkled. "You'll be cursing yourself later. Besides, it won't be that long. This little guy will want a feed soon, won't he?" He grinned, pressing a kiss to the child's forehead. "You know what they say about Weasley men."

"Zey are 'ard 'eaded and stubborn and egotistical and zink zey are God's gift to women?" she replied dryly.

"Well, he certainly looks like one," Bill noted with an upturned quirk of the mouth. "I think it's because the new-baby smell hasn't worn off yet."

"Or per'aps it is because 'e looks like a Delacour?"

"Perhaps," Bill acquiesced, "but I still think you should take a nap."

"Dans un moment," she said, waving a hand at him. "I want to enjoy ze moment."

"Alright." He sat back, a big grin on his face. "But I'm keeping the baby."

She snorted. "Zat is not a suprirse, chéri. If 'e did not need me, you would never give 'im back."

"What can I say? They love their papa." He shrugged. At that exact moment, Tristian took the time to let out a little fuss. The man looked down. "Oh, shush you." He wrapped the blankets a little tighter and the infant returned to his peaceful slumber.

"But ze love zeir maman as well," she pointed out.

"Never said they didn't." Bill grinned. He loved holding his children, sitting and relaxing as they fell asleep against him.

Fleur let her head rest against the pillow as she watched her two favorite men through half-closed eyes. A nap sounded so nice, though she did not want to miss a moment of this time together. It was quiet and tranquil, and the madness of their families had yet to descend.

"We'll be home soon," Bill murmured, half to his son and half to his wife. "Claire will be rather excited we brought a real live baby home from Paris, I think."

"I 'ope she does not expect us to bring one 'ome every time we return," she joked weakly.

He nodded. He'd leave Fleur to explain that one. "Hopefully."

"You may tell 'er zat."

Summary: Bill and Fleur welcome their new bundle of joy, Tristian, to the world.

bill, bill/fleur, spawn, pink sheep rpg, fleur

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