Hands, touching hands, reaching out

Nov 30, 2009 23:12

Category: Pink Sheep RPG

Hannah held onto Justin's arm as he Apparated them away from White Chapel and Hogsmeade and to the Raven's Nest and London. Her hand was still in his as she made her way into the pub from the alleyway. They were out of place in the bar's Saturday night crowd, but she didn't care. They moved through the crowd until they came to the edge of the bar.

Turning to Justin, the woman kissed the man on the cheek. "Thank you for a wonderful night. Now go home to your baby girl like I know you want to."

The auror grinned, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. "I will, in a moment. Promised I'd deliver you safe and sound. Besides, I know you just want to show off your pretty dress."

She scowled slightly, poking him in the side. "Quiet you." Her frown was quickly transformed into a wide grin when she saw her bar man make his way towards them. "Ben."

Nodding to the older man, Justin disentangled himself and stepped back. "She's all in one piece, as promised.

Ben grinned and leaned over the bar to kiss her, ignoring the hoots and hollers from the patrons. "Did you have fun?" he asked, reaching up to caress the line of her jaw.

Hannah leaned into his touch. "Mmmhmm. Missed you though." Catching Ben's hand in her own, she turned around to grin at Justin. "Justin was a very good escort. Didn't even step on my toes once."

The blonde man rolled his eyes good naturedly. "One time. Once time in all the years I've known you and you have yet to let me forget it."

"Of course." She blew him a kiss. "Go home to Bridget, Justin."

"Fine. I can see where I'm not wanted." He nodded to the pair. "Have a good night." Turning, he slipped back into the crowd, heading for the exit.

Hannah swiveled around to face Ben again. "Now where were we?"

"We were right about here," he replied, drawing her back to him for a kiss.

"I think I like right about here," she whispered against his lips before they parted. "But I also think I'm distracting your customers. Last call is soon, come upstairs to meet me?"

"Mmm, and then I can get you out of his dress and we can do something fun." He'd been thinking of getting her out of the dress- it was too voluminous to simply push up while he took her- since she walked in. Beside that, he liked the way her skin felt when it brushed over his.

Her eyes danced. "Who says I won't be out of it already?" Hannah asked as she moved away from the bar and towards the door that would lead up to Ben's flat. She needed to get out of this dress before Ben decided she needed to be out of it and ran the risk of ripping the delicate fabric.

"Even better," he called after her.

She turned around, winked, and blew him a kiss. Then she was gone.

Summary: Justin takes Hannah back to Ben's.

justin, ben, pink sheep rpg, hannah

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