Elle!Fic - Holding Onto You, Holding Onto Me (1/1) - Fred Weasley/Angelina Johnson - Adult

Mar 03, 2009 12:07

Category: Pink Sheep AU

Title: Holding Onto You, Holding Onto Me (1/1)
Author: Elle, aka elle_blessing
Characters: Fred Weasley/Angelina Johnson
Rating: Adult
Word Count: 1263
Summary: He knew she was alive and near, and urgency prickled between his shoulder blades. There wasn’t much time. Hogwarts!Era/DH!Final Battle.
Disclaimer: Harry Potter is JKR’s sandbox. I just like to build sandcastles.
Author’s Notes: This piece was written for Saucy Navigator Sam, aka fiery_flamingo. She requested a little bit of Fred and Angie, and I decided to give them some back story in the pinksheep_wench RPG ‘verse. It’s alternate universe back story to what really happened in Deathly Hollows, but Sam and I both like Fred, you know, alive ;) Happy birthday, wench!! *SMOOSH!*
Author’s Notes 2: Also, this piece is loosely tied to the song ‘All I Need’ by Mat Kearney. Watch/listen to it on YouTube HERE, read the lyrics HERE, or download it HERE (only available for download for a limited time).

It was over.

He’d taken a Burning Hex and his arm was already blistering where he’d been hit, but adrenaline pumped through Fred’s veins and it was a distant pain.

His family members were accounted for, and he’d even seen his Mum take out Bellatrix Lestrange. If he wasn’t so intent on finding the rest of his ‘family’, Fred might have taken a moment to savor the phenomenon. His mother had uttered the word ‘bitch’, after all.

But not all were accounted for.

His brothers and sister, his Mum and Dad, Harry and Hermione; they were all safe, if a bit beaten and battered. He’d found Katie with her brother, Jonathan, and had shared the snog of his life with Alicia; she’d needed the affirmation that they were both alive just as much as he had at that moment.

But he’d yet to find Angelina.

It was over, but as he ran through the halls of Hogwarts, he found that some of the Death Eaters still fought - last ditch efforts knowing they were doomed. And Angie was still out there.

After sending a disarming spell at the back of a Death Eater fighting an Auror when he rounded into the dungeons near the Slytherin dorms, Fred’s heart raced when the next corner revealed the stone passageway that protected the entrance to the Snake’s house blasted and open.

He hadn’t known why he’d been drawn this direction, but when he saw the pile of rubble that used to be the statue protecting the Slytherins, his sense of urgency had his pulse pounding loud in his head.

Angelina was just bull-headed enough to chase down a Death Eater into what was likely their home turf.

Wand out and ready, he slipped silently through the opening. Holding still, he didn’t hear anything for a long moment but his own shallow breathing.

Dammit. He knew she was alive and near, and urgency prickled between his shoulder blades. There wasn’t much time.

Just choosing a direction, Fred bounded through the common room and down a hallway to the left - and pulled to an abrupt stop when he heard glass breaking in the opposite direction.

Turning, he ran for the hall branching off to the right and found himself running through the boy’s dormitory hall. At one time Fred would have given much to see the inside of the Slytherin dormitory, to know some secret to obtaining admittance whenever it suited him, but just this moment he didn’t see any of it.

He was focused on the door at the end of the hallway. The closer he got, the more he heard.

“You’re a cowardly bastard son of a bloody fucking Hippogryff,” filtered to him, and just a small wash of relief touched him. She was still alright if she was flinging insults.

As much as he wanted to rush through the door, it was a fool’s errand and Fred crept quietly up to the opening - just in time to see a vase explode where Carrow used to be. Fred saw him move through the room, but it was hard to follow - Dimension Door. He vowed then to learn it, if only to stop someone intent on hurting one of his in mid-flight.

Carrow reappeared behind Angelina, one arm going around her middle and the other attempting to pin her arms to her sides. “I’m going to have you before I kill you,” he sneered into her ear.

It seemed an old argument though, and a strong elbow to his middle had Carrow stumbling, giving Angelina enough room to turn and attempt to drive a knee into him. But this had seemingly gone on for awhile for a reason; he caught the movement with both his hands and pushed back, causing her to land hard on her back.

“Right where I wanted you then,” he smirked down at her.

Before she could retort or react though, Fred came around the corner, wand out. A disarming spell had Carrow’s wand flying from the man’s hand, and a moment later he was slammed into the wall by a blasting hex. His eyes were wide as he flew through the air, surprise obvious in his expression.

It all happened in slow motion for Fred, but at the very end, time came back to him and he watched Carrow’s expression go slack, watched his body slide down the wall. He wasn’t dead, but Fred had infused more power in the hex than was necessarily needed.

Angelina was already pulling herself up by the time Fred found her side. His hands were gentle as he assisted her in finding her feet. “You’re an idiot.”

“Good to see you alive too,” Angelina retorted irritably. She’d been ready to throw her arms around him, but just like always, he’d had to go and find her buttons.

He normally responded - it was their game, after all - but just that moment, blue eyes ran over her assessing all her hurts. It would be hard to see bruises on her mocha skin, but for a few scrapes, he couldn’t see anything.

“And now you’re going to ignore me?” she asked, knowing she was being petulant and not able to stop herself. All that had happened was coming back to her, and where she’d been able to cope, to make decisions, to take out a Death Eater and chase one down … she began to shake.

Her tone was angry, but it was the tremor in her voice that snapped Fred’s gaze from his assessment of her bodily health to her face. There was defiance in her brown eyes, but there was fear too - an apparently late reaction.

“No,” he said, voice low, but loud in the quiet of the dungeons. “Never,” he murmured, finally stirring into movement to pull her to him, pull her mouth to his.

A sound slipped from Angelina, somewhere between a moan and a whimper, and her hands slid into his hair, forcefully holding him where he was. She was alive, and Fred was too, and this was still possible.

When her fingers raked through his hair, a growl rumbled from his lips to hers and he backed her against a wall with more desire and force than finesse. It didn’t matter. She was alright, and it was over.

They knew this dance. Nimble fingers found his belt and zip, and his hands pulled at her denims, awkward as they both peeled them from her long legs. But that didn’t matter either.

Fred’s hands slid up her legs, fingers hooking in her knickers even as his mouth found hers again, lips, tongue and teeth claiming, both of them assuring themselves in the other, finding the peace only they could give one another.

It was a long practiced move for them, and it wasn’t but a moment before he lifted her, she wrapped her legs around his waist and he slid into her, both of them groaning into the other’s mouth.

It was hard and fast, the sounds of their bodies coming together, their groans and moans filling the air until her body trembled with release, and he ran his teeth down her neck as he spent himself inside of her.

The bloody red moon that had seemed nothing but an ill omen was put to rest as the sunshine heralded the dawn. They were in the dungeons, but the air shifted with the magic of fate.

It was over.

Fred smiled against Angie’s neck, still breathing heavily. “You’re an idiot.”

Angelina smiled, eyes shut tightly as she tightened her arms around his neck. “Yeah, and?”

fred/angelina, angelina, fred, pink sheep au, elle's fic

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