I must have had five drinks

Jul 27, 2009 19:37

Category: Pink Sheep RPG

Cedric wiped a tired hand over his face, stubble rough under his hand. They'd spent days following a theory only to turn up contradictory evidence in the last hour of the day. The wasted work and fruitless interrogation had prompted he and Zach to head out for a drink, inviting Summers along for the ride. He'd needed a good few pints, followed by a lot of scotch.

Slipping through the doors of the Three Broomsticks, Jake's eyes scanned the room for Ced and Zach. He sighed when he saw the look on his mates' faces. It looked like the first round was on him. Swinging over to the bar he ordered the required pints before moving to the table the two Unspeakables were currently occupying. "Cheer up, buckos. I've brought alcohol."

"You've redeemed yourself then," Zach quipped, giving Jake his smirk of greeting. Ced looked as weary as he felt, but Zach wasn't showing it. Or so he hoped. He'd find something leggy and forget about the week with her for the night.

"Oh, thank Merlin," Jake deadpanned as he put the pints down. "What on Earth would I do if I
didn't have Zacharias Smith's approval?"

"Be as happy and carefree as the rest of us?" Ced replied, raising his glass in thanks to Jake. "The only ones he actually approves of are easy birds and punching bags, and thankfully, we're neither."

The blonde rolled his eyes. "I'd be hurt if I actually cared, Ceddy Bear."

Jake pushed the pint glass towards the younger Unspeakable. "Drink up and behave."

"Yes, mum." Zach took a gulp, immediately feeling refreshed as the ale washed down his throat. "Cheers, Jake."

The table's eldest occupant nodded his agreement. "What've you been up to then, mate?"

"Oh, this and that." Jake raised his glass to his lips. "Sam's home for the summer so we've been entertaining each other some nights. And other night? Well, that's none of your business."

"Succeeded in turning her into a tea-totaller yet?" Smith snarked with a smirk.

"Leave my sister alone, Smith. She's too young for you," Jake shot back with an eye roll before he turned his attention towards Cedric. "And anything of interest on your end?"

"That we can talk about in public? Just domestic shit, really. Lease is almost up on my place, Mum's hinting that I should move back home where she can 'take care of me'."

"Don't do it, mate. Living back at home will drive you nutters." Jake had tried living at home shortly after returning to Britain, but he had found himself staying longer and longer at any of the rehabs he was doing until he finally manned up and made home in one of them. Noticing that the pints were already getting low he flagged down a passing waitress. If "domestic shit" was to be the topic of conversation, than it was best he keep these boys liquored up.

"Hello," Lisa chirped, drawing her notepad out of her apron as she approached the table of men, "what can I get for you boys tonight?"

Jake grinned at the pretty and leggy blonde. He could appreciate beauty even though he had some other Princess on his mind more often than not. "Another round, if I may?"

"Sure thing. Need anything else?" she asked, pen poised.

"A couple orders of chips?" Jake glanced around at the others. He wasn't particularly hungry, but he didn't know about the other two.

"Think you could rustle me up a steak, love?" Cedric asked the pretty waitress. "Medium. Cheers." He flashed her a quick smile in thanks. Already happier at the prospect of steak.

"I'll go with some shepherds pie," Zach piped up, having given her an appreciative glance while the others ordered. Legs for days, "and anything else you're offering."

Jake rolled his eyes. "Ignore him," he told her. "Man doesn't know how to behave in public. On second thought, can I have an order of fish as well? Make sure to bring vinegar."

"One steak, medium, shepherd's pie, and an order of fish and chips with vinegar," Lisa repeated as she scribbled onto her notepad, ignoring the roughest of the bunch's blatant innuendo. It had gotten to the point where it barely phased her; at least he hadn't touched her. Now that would be crossing the line. "I'll put that order in and be back with your next round."


"So when's the next poker game?" Zach asked Summers as he watched the sway of the waitress' walk. He figured he ought to try for civility. At least for a while.

"Week. Week and a half. Why?" Jake looked up from his pint. "You thinking of joining in?" It wasn't that he didn't want Zach there, but well, he didn't. It was easier to play the game without anyone he knew there, that way he could slide in and out of character at the drop of a hat. He could find a person's weakness with a few twitches and a moment or two of eye contact. All of that was a bit hard when a mate was there to distract you. Especially a mate on the right side of the law. Jake didn't always play on the right side when playing with Muggles.

Zach snorted. "'Course not. But the Quidditch season's over, first thing that popped into my head. Besides, I learnt my lesson when you won half my porn stash in fourth year."

Cedric smirked at the memory; the night had been one of blowing off steam between Triwizard tasks and odious dance lessons. "And you still cry like a bitch about it."

"Why a fourth year like you had that much porn remains a mystery." Jake finished off the last of his pint. That had been a good night.

Lisa tried not to crinkle her nose as she heard the tail-end of that conversation. "Here you go, boys," she said, setting three steins full of ale down on the table and collecting their empty glasses. "Need anything else right now?"

"I think we're right, thanks love," Cedric assured her. Her face was familiar, though he knew Rosmerta best of the pub's staff.

"Maybe when you're shift's over, sweetheart," Zach added with a wink.

Jake kicked him. Didn't Smith know that one never, ever, messed with those handling your food? She could easily dose his Shepherd's pie without him knowing.

A raised eyebrow was his only response. "Right. Well, I'll be back soon with your food. Enjoy your pints," she said, turning and making a beeline for the kitchen. Ugh.

"If you wake up tomorrow with your insides feeling like they've been liquefied, I wouldn't be surprised, Smith."

Ernie strode into the Sticks, a large grin on his face. He was late to meet Justin, but he was feeling too damn good to care. He was getting married. Soon the most beautiful woman in the world was going to be his wife.

Justin looked up from his pint glass as a familiar shadow fell across the table. He raised an eyebrow at the look on his friend's face as he gestured for the other man to sit down. "I tried to flag Lisa down, but she's been scurrying this way and that, so another waitress is handling the tab."

"That's okay, I have something to tell you and it's probably best that Lisa isn't here," because he'd just be distracted if she was. "Should I order, or would you like the news first?"

"Order and you can fill me in while we wait," Justin decided as he thought about what he'd have. Bangers and mash, no peas, with brown sauce? Sounded like a plan.

Ernie waved over the waitress and ordered a pint, glancing over at Justin expectantly.

"Refill," Justin tapped his glass. "And an order of bangers and mash, no peas, and could you bring a bottle of brown sauce?" Once the waitress had moved away, the Auror nodded. "Right. Important news?"

"Not just important, life changing; I asked Lisa to marry me and she said yes." He sat back against the booth, grinning like a fool.

The blonde nearly choked on his last bit of ale. Coughing and blinking his watery eyes, Justin looked over at his friend. "Come again? You asked Lisa to marry you?"

"And she said yes. Will you be the best man?"

"Yes." Justin coughed. "I mean, of course. I just don't know what to say other than congratulations. Do your parents know? Does Hannah know?"

He winced and rubbed at the back of his neck. "I haven't told my family yet, but they knew I was going to ask eventually, I mean, they gave me Gran's ring on my birthday. Hannah knows that I was planning on asking, but I haven't told her yet, either."

"She's going to be ecstatic. Perhaps a calming draught first so she doesn't cry all over you?" Justin smirked.

"I think one may be in order." He couldn't wait to see his blonde friend's reaction to the news. "She's probably going to start knitting things for the children we don't have."

"Get in line. Soon as she heard that Victoria was pregnant she's been dreaming things up. But at least look on the bright side; if she does, those eventual children will never run out of clothes."

"Yes, well, I don't think Lisa and I are planning on starting a family anytime soon," not that he would mind if they did. He was already thinking of a little daughter with Lisa's eyes. She would be beautiful, just like her mum.

Justin snorted. "And I'd like to hear you tell Hannah that. She'll hear married and think babies. Good luck."

"And no one will be able to convince her otherwise," Ernie replied with a little grin.

Justin nodded as he gazed around the room. "Speaking of Hannah, one of her lost causes is sitting over there." He nodded to where Zacharias Smith sat with his mates. While they might have friends in common, Justin and Zach did not get along.

"What a pair; a lost cause and a ghost," he replied, noting the presence of the three other men, though he only recognized two of them.

The Auror shook his head. Even after hearing the story of Cedric Diggory's return to the land of the living multiple times, he still had a hard time believing it. The Hufflepuff's death had rocked Helga's house hard; even those that were not close friends, it had certainly illustrated the fragility of life.

At that moment, Lisa hustled out of the kitchen with a tray of food balanced in her hands, destined for the little table of men.

"Here we are," she said, setting the plates down in front of them, "one steak, medium, an order of fish and chips, and one order shepherd's pie. Here's your vinegar," she said, withdrawing a bottle from her apron and setting it down in front of Jake, "and here's some utensils." She placed three wrapped knife and fork combos down on the table. "Can I get you boys anything else?"

Jake immediate reached for the vinegar and poured it liberally over his fish and chips. "Thank you, but no."

"Maybe later," Zach returned with a wink, before turning to his meal with a smirk.

Lisa had to restrain the urge to pull her ring out and flash it at him, possibly with her tongue stuck out as well. Men. "If you need anything, just let me know."

Ced flashed her a quick grateful smile and mentally urged her to leave, not in the mood to witness Smith's antics at the moment.

Across the room, Justin nursed his pint, enjoying the adult atmosphere the pub provided. Luckily for him, Elijah, his uncle's assistant, and Will had become fast friends, bonding over football, video games, and now ancient runes. So the younger Finch-Fletchley was spending the night over at Blackthorne House, giving the brothers a break from one another. "I'd forgotten how pleasant adult conversation could be," he remarked quietly as he put his glass down. "Remind me to do this more often."

"Remind you to quit being such a bleeding hermit all the time? Gladly." And not to sound like too much of a girl, but Ernie had missed his friend, too.

"Will seems to like his footy team though. Gets him out of the house and he can't complain he's not doing anything fun. Which reminds me, do you know if Davey is free at all? I was thinking about taking Will to Brighton Pier. I'd be happy to take him along as well."

"As far as I know, he is. You might want to owl my mum and see if she has him doing anything." His mother was of the 'idle hands are the devil's playthings' school of thought, and believed in hard work being a cure all.

Justin nodded. He'd do that. "Better question would be do you think Davey'd enjoy himself?"

"Most likely. Anything to get away from the girls."

"Well, I wasn't planning on bringing any girls, so I think he's safe." Justin grinned and gestured over a passing waitress. "Another round, please. And an order of fish and chips." He raised an eyebrow at his friend, wondering if the man wanted anything to eat.

"I was talking about my sisters, and just an order of chips, thanks," he said, smiling up at the waitress. "He's notoriously bad about sharing his."

Justin rolled his eyes, but said nothing. "Sure you don't want anything else? I'm paying. After all, you're the one getting married. You'll be needed to save every knut for the wedding."

"A wedding won't bankrupt me, Justin and really, chips are fine," the last bit was directed at the waitress. He kept his eyes on her until she walked away and then glanced around, looking for his fiancée.

Justin rolled his eyes. "Try and do something nice for someone," he muttered good naturedly. "And how do you know I wasn't going to share my chips?"

"Because you never do," Ernie replied with a little grin. "What would make this time any different?"

"Because you're going to get married soon and I felt like being charitable," Justin quipped.

"And that's why you're the best man, keep the charitable feeling right up until after the stag party." Ernie saluted with his pint and took a drink.

"I'm not hiring a stripper for you," Justin said. "Though if you ask Hannah, she might." Of course that was only she gave you her disapproving stare and then decided going about hiring one would be a great adventure. Their friend was one strange child.

"Why would I need a stripper when I'm engaged to the most beautiful woman in the world, who I get to see naked on a regular basis?" he asked, grinning hugely.

"Good answer, good answer," Justin conceded. "Though aren't bachelor parties supposed to have strippers?" He didn't know. Justin really had never been to a bachelor party. He was making it up as he went along.

"Well, yes, usually; I'm pretty certain Lisa would kill me if there were strippers at my stag party," he replied. He can have strippers if Lisa can rent out the Thunder from Down Under. :D No. *snickers*

"Well then we won't hire any strippers."

Across the pub, Lisa set her tray down on the bar and sighed, internally counting the minutes until her shift was over and she could go home. Her feet ached and she could feel the beginnings of a headache creeping in on her temples. Merlin, but she couldn't wait for the day when she could stop waiting tables and dealing with touchy-feely drunks who couldn't take a hint.

Such as the rough looking bloke at table four, with his tall-haired friend and the one who kept ordering another round. Even though he'd kept his hands to himself, his comments, like most offered by semi-drunks, were annoying as hell.

Ced was snickering over his glass, telling Jake about [insert a funny story i will think of later here, are brain dead. alos, is probs embarassing for zach a bit]. With a half hearted roll of his eyes, Zach got up to head for the bar and order them another round. He'd switched to firewhiskey at some point and was nicely buzzed, the edge taken off of his shit working week. He leaned his lithe frame against the smooth wood, and waited for the busy staff to get to taking his order. He was impatient though, and when they'd seen fit to serve four other people before him, he turned away with a fed-up sounding scoff.

The leggy blonde who'd been serving them was heading his way, prompting Zach to kill two birds with one stone. He shot a hand out to slide up the inside of her wrist. "Mind giving us a hand here, love?"

Lisa glanced down at his hand, which was holding onto her wrist, then slid her eyes up to his face. "What do you need?" she asked, politely as possible while twisting her wrist just slightly, a silent hint to let go.

His hand moved from her wrist to her hip, thumb running over the curve. "Three firewhiskies, three pints of [will name later] and your floo address, sweetheart." He cracked a crooked smile.

Justin's eyes scanned over the pub. One could take the man out of the MLE, but one could not take the MLE out of the man. He rarely, if ever, relaxed enough to just enjoy an evening without constantly being on edge. Eyes widening slightly as he watching Zach being overly friendly with a familiar, make that very familiar, blonde, he debated whether or not to alert Ernie to what was happening behind him. After a few seconds, he mentally slapped himself on the back of the head. This was Ernie's fiancée and while he was sure Lisa could handle herself, well, he knew Ernie's temper about things that were his.

"Um, Ern?" Justin gestured over his shoulder. "There's something you might want to see."

Ernie's eyes followed the direction of his best mate's hand and he scowled darkly. "I'll be right back," he said darkly, easing out of the booth and walking the short distance. "Oi, Smith, keep your hands to yourself." He was still scowling when he pulled her away from the other man's hands, arms going around her waist. Mine.

"Ernie!" Lisa exclaimed, her eyes wide with surprise. She tilted her head back to kiss him on the cheek. "How long have you been here?"

He glanced away from the other man long enough to look down at her. "I dunno, about fifteen minutes."

"Why didn't you tell me you were here?"

"I didn't see you, thought you were busy. Besides, I had to share the news with Justin." He'd tilted his head down to look at her, but kept the other man in his peripheral vision.

"Pity she wasn't up to sharing other things," Zach snarked, inwardly revolted at the cuddling. No wonder the Puffs had a reputation as pansies with Macmillan and friends simpering up and down the countryside.

Lisa's head jerked to look at the other man, her nostrils flaring a bit as she inhaled sharply. Her grip on Ernie tightened slightly and her blue eyes went cold, though she didn't say anything.

Ernie's eyes went hard as he stared at Zach. "Go back to your friends, Smith. You're hammered."

"You'd like to think." The blond man cocked a finger at Ernie. "And you're overreacting, princess."

"Right." He rolled his eyes and turned Lisa, giving her a little push in Justin's direction, fully intending on following.

Justin was already out of his chair and making his way over to the trio just in time to hear Zach's last comment. The Auror's eyes narrowed as he surveyed the scene. "You know, it's a wonder what Hannah sees in you."

Blue eyes rolled. This was perfect, exactly what he needed, he thought with a sneer. "Probably that I got all the personality you're devoid of?" he threw out.

Lisa reached out and grabbed Justin's sleeve before he could brush past them to get to the other man. "Ignore him, Justin. Let's go sit down."

Justin gave Smith a measuring look and the Unspeakable fell short. "You never deserved her," he said shortly. Hannah was the antithesis of all that Zacharias Smith represented.

"Probably, but good things come to those who take," he shot back, wondering just how many blows it might take to dent the other man's smug, shiny sense of moral superiority.

"Quality, not quantity, Smith," Justin snapped back. "If it were up you, you've have bedded half the female population by now. That's not going to give you anything but a venereal disease."

"And if you can ever convince one of them to let you in - you might just have more luck boring one into unconsciousness and taking a cold run - maybe you won't need to be quite so pitifully jealous."

Justin's eyes flashed cold as his back straightened. "I would never, never force myself on a woman. For you to even make such an instigation proves how little you know." He liked to think that his temper burned long and slow, but there was something about the man in front of him that just rubbed the Auror the wrong way. He tensed, waiting for the man's response, his wand sliding neatly and discretely into his hand.

Zach rubbed the back of his neck, enjoying the indignation radiating from the man. "More importantly, does it prove how little I'm bothered?"

Lisa released Ernie's hand and moved between the two snarling men. "Justin," she said, glancing up at him, "he's not worth it. He's drunk and you're not. Please let it go?"

Justin rubbed his temples. Lisa was right, even though he couldn't lower his hackles. He was still in the hex happy mode. Something he had been warned about once upon a time and had been mostly beat out of him, but now that he was back in that frame of mind again, it was hard to remove himself. "That doesn't give him the right to be a ruddy bastard," he muttered.

Jake had noted the little gathering at the bar. "Looks like Zach got himself more than firewhiskies." He nodded to where the younger man stood with two other men and their waitress. Leaving Ced to guard their table with a sloppy salute, the dark haired man wandered over. "Everything alright?" he slung an arm around Smith's shoulders. "Does Smithy here need a hand with our drinks?"

"Everything's fine," Lisa answered. "I was just getting him your drinks." She handed the tray of drinks to the seemingly-sober man, then turned back to Justin and Ernie. "Go," she said, nodding towards their table. "I'll be there in a minute."

Justin let himself be led away with Ernie, his wand arm still a bit twitchy. Perhaps it was time to switch over to pumpkin juice.

Jake raised an eyebrow as the others walked away. "What the hell was that about?" he asked before shaking his head. "Never mind. You can tell me and Ced once we're seated and have cold pints in front of us."

"My big, strapping, huffle-hero," Zach quipped lazily as they headed back to their table. "What would I do without you?"

"Curl up in a fetal position and cry perhaps?" Jake quipped as he lay the tray down the the table. "Gentlemen, your alcohol. Drink up!"

Summary: Tensions are high amongst Puffs at the Sticks.

ernie/lisa, jake, lisa, ernie, justin, cedric, zach, pink sheep rpg

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