I'm looking for a place, I'm searching for a face

Jun 11, 2009 18:05

Category: Pink Sheep RPG

There was a light breeze blowing off the Thames as Padma stepped out from the Tower Bridge Apparition point. It was early evening and the sun was just beginning to set, casting its dying rays over the city. There was work still to be done, of course. There always was. But Padma didn't feel like working for once.

She'd left her office early and gone home to change out of her work clothes and into a pair of denims and a soft blue cowlneck shirt. She didn't want to be alone, but she didn't feel like hunting down anyone, either. Parvati and Kiran were happily installed at Harry's, Lisa was wrapped up with Ernie, and Mandy was probably busy writing. Or getting snogs, take your pick.

It was a sobering reality, but she was alone. Her flat was a constant reminder of that fact- no one to share it with, no one to come home to, always dark when she arrived after a long day's work. So she'd shoved her feet into a pair of leather flats and left, heading for her favorite spot in the city- the Queen's Walk.

It was a bit too early for the trees to light up with their night illumation, but she wasn't bothered. Across the river, the Tower of London was already lit up, the White Tower a stark contrast with the sleek metropolis that had sprung up around it.

Her bench was empty, she noted with a soft smile, but she wasn't ready to sit. Not just yet, anyway. Not after a day spent behind a desk. The wind blew her hair back as she leaned against the rail, gaze going out across the river as she lost herself in thought.

Today was one of the days that had Cedric feeling confined, all but prowling his living room until he gave it up and decided to put get outside and put his energy to some use. A quick search found him a black tracksuit, and he Disapparated, figuring the Queen's Walk to be as good a place for a run as any. Stretches were completed with little thought, and he settled into his rhythm.

Padma's mind was full, yet surprisingly empty at the same time. Mostly she kept running over the same line of thought- how much she hated being alone. No matter where she went or what she did, she was alone, really. Both Laura and Zöe had live-in boyfriends, Parvati had Kiran, Lisa had Ernie; all that was left for her was her work.

Staccato steps, legato breaths, he ran in silent time, the lights of the city becoming more stark, more unreal as dusk slowly crept in. His feet rapped the pavement, gaze drifting the fish carvings that slinked around the lightposts lining the walk, images that had fascinated him as a child.

The breeze picked up and changed directions, blowing towards the river and blowing Padma's hair into her eyes. Huffing, she turned and leaned back against the rail, gaze turned to the side and still following the path of the Thames as it meandered through the city.

Reaching the Tower Bridge end, Cedric slowed to enjoy the breeze. He moved over to the railing, gazing at the river and stretching his legs. It took a few moments for him to break out of his reverie to realize he knew the girl next to him, how ever vaguely. "Miss Patil?" He inquired, just in case he'd been wrong.

Padma turned to the voice that'd just spoken her name, instantly recognizing the hair and visage of one Cedric Diggory. "Mr. Diggory," she returned evenly, giving him a slight nod.

"Oh good, it is you. I wasn't sure for a moment." He smiled slightly, glad to have some conversation, interaction, after what had so far been a solitary beginning to his evening.

"It's one of us, at least," Padma replied with a small smile. Even though she and Parvati didn't look exactly the same anymore, people still confused them frequently.

"D'you think if I had a twin he'd have my hair?" Cedric mused aloud, eyes crinkling in a smile. She seemed as quietly thoughtful as he had been; maybe she too was grateful for the unexpected company.

"I don't know; do you think gravity-defying hair is a genetic trait, or is it just you?" she asked.

"I prefer to think of it as my gift to wizard-kind."

"Is that so?" Padma replied with a small smile as she turned back towards the river, looking across the water to the Tower of London. "What brings you to this part of the city? I didn't think anyone else like us lived around here."

Cedric cracked a smile. "I don't actually, but I needed to run, thought this seemed as good a place at any. Nice view."

"It is," she agreed, "especially around this time of day." She fell silent, unsure of what to say next. Most of what she knew of the man standing next to her was through others; Mandy had harbored a long-quiet flame for him during Hogwarts before the Dark Lord had murdered him. Then, all of sudden, they'd found out he hadn't died and that was all very confusing, and she knew little of him since then.

"So d'you live nearby, then?" he inquired, remembering to cast a silent freshening spell; he had been working out, after all.

She nodded. "Few blocks that way," she said, gesturing back towards Southwark. "Used to live in Soho, but it started to get a bit," unbearable, "crowded. Tourists."

"Can't live with 'em, can't hex 'em when nobody's looking?"


Cedric snickered, doubting Padma had the capactiy to be so malicious as to hex unawares Muggle tourists. His stomach gave a rumble, reminding him just how long it had been since the half a sandwich he'd managed for lunch before he and Zach were called out. "I could murder a burger and chips right about now. What d'you say?"

"Um," she started, unsure of the offer. The religion of her parents prohibited the consumption of beef, as it stated that the cow was a sacred, holy animal, but Padma hadn't practiced Hindu in years.

Hindu followers were also supposed to enter into arranged marriages, but that sure as hell wasn't happening.

"Alright," she said finally, giving Cedric a small smile.

He hadn't missed her hesitation. "Are you okay with beef? Did you want fish and chips or something instead?"

"No, it's fine," she said reassuringly. "Technically, I'm not supposed to, but I'm really Hindu by birth rather than by practice."

"And what our parents don't know, suprisingly enough, doesn't hurt them. Not that mothers are capable of believing that if you tell them." When he'd been released from the confines of the department, Cedric had barely lasted two months at home with his parents before finding his own place, a haven from the coddling, though he couldn't begrudge them their reaction to finding out he was still alive.

"Isn't that the truth?" Padma agreed, sighing. Her mother still didn't know about Kiran, and she certainly wasn't looking forward to the day when Parvati decided to.

"Bringing up your parents is a hard task, but someone's got to do it, right?" He flashed her a quick smile as they set off.

"Unfortunately. At least your mother isn't harping you you about quitting your 'nonsensical' job, settling down with a nice Indian boy and having lots of babies." She shot an amused look at him out of the corner of her eye. "At least, I'd hope she isn't."

"Wherever would I get the babies, in that case?" He snickered slightly. She was rather a good distraction from his melancholy, whether she knew it or not.

"I hear adoption seems to be a popular option among male-male couples," she said. "Not that I'm implying I think you're homosexual, even though it would be perfectly alright if you were, just that... oh, bugger. Shutting up now."

Cedric snorted, amused by how flustered she'd gotten herself. "You're fine, Padma. Besides, I like women, so maybe I'll shut my Mum up with a grandchild one day, if she stops nagging at me long enough to let me meet someone." He flashed her a self deprecating grin.

"If she's anything like my Mum, she'll never stop," Padma replied with a sigh even as a small smile tilted up the corners of her lips.

"They never do, do they?"

{Summary: Cedric and Padma are lonely together}

cedric, pink sheep rpg, padma

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