A school boy's dream, you act so shy

Jun 08, 2009 12:48

Category: Pink Sheep RPG

Bill was waiting for the bell to ring, and his students to settle down a bit before he would make his entrance. While it was no where near as bombastic as Severus Snape's, he didn't do a horrible job at it. Then again, he didn't have a cloak that swirled like the former potions master's either. "Wait here," he pressed a quick kiss to his wife's mouth. "I'm about to make my students' day."

Entering the classroom from the small office situated behind all the desks he boomed, "Good afternoon, apples of your parents' eyes. If you could please pass your essays up front we can get started." He settled on the edge of his desk, legs crossed at the ankles, arms over his chest.

Sam bit back a small 'eep' as Professor Weasley spoke directly from behind her chair. She knew it had been a mistake to sit in the back. Next class, she promised, she'd be in the front row. There'd be less chance of her nearly falling out of her chair then. Taking her essay out from her bag, she smoothed the corners. She had been up for what seemed like the whole night, trying to compare and contrast legislation on werewolves and vampires. She passed the parchment forward.

"Sam," Beth whispered, leaning across the aisle, "did you mention the Anti-Werewolf Laws of 1545, the ones that were revoked in 1720?" Professor Weasley's essays were always a bitch to write, and this one had been especially difficult. There was just too much information to condense into a small essay.

"Made a mention of them," the dark haired girl tucked a lock of hair behind her ear. "But I mostly focused on those that were repealed in the 1990s."

"Alright, children." Bill chortled as twenty sets of eyes snapped forward. Their actions were so easy to predict. This might be a bit biased, but he liked his Gryffindor-Hufflepuff combined classes. Usually he was able to sniff out any deception before anything major happened. "OWLs are coming up soon and no doubt you are all revising heavily," a quick sweep of the room had some avoiding his gaze, "and anxiously awaiting those final weeks. Well, I have a special surprise for you all."

"A special surprise?" Sam muttered, snorting slightly. She recognized the look in her professor's eyes. Her brother often got that look, right before he was about to do something. And that something usually ended badly for her.

"You can put your books and notes away," Bill continued, as if he hadn't heard the whispers that had broken out amongst the students. "We have a special guest for today's double lesson."

"Why do I have a bad feeling about this?" Beth said, eyes darting around the room.

Keavy snorted, flicking her hair over her shoulder. "Probably because nothing good will come of this." Still, since she wasn't involved, she was going to enjoy watching it.

The murmurings of the class slowly came to a halt as the sound of high heels echoed on the stone floor. Fleur had to contain her smirk as the eyes of every single student in the room turned to focus on her. Her gaze locked with her husband's as she swept her long blonde hair off her shoulder, moving to the front of th

"Boys and girls, my wife, Fleur Delacour-Weasley," Bill said dryly as he pulled her towards him. "Are you really going to duel in those," he whispered into her ear as he pointed to her shoes.

"Are you really just now objecting to zem?" she countered softly, raising a brow at him.

"Well, I didn't think you were going to out and duel in them," he told her before turning to his class. "Yes, my wife, children. And contrary to popular belief I did not battle a dragon to rescue her. She's quite capable of doing that herself. Which she did, in the Triwizard Tournament."

Sam blinked. Professor Weasley was married to Fleur Delacour? The fashion designer in Diagon? No wonder he was always so well dressed, unlike some of the others she could mention. It didn't help that he was fit too. "Wow," she whispered. "Look at those shoes."

"Are those Louboutins? Real Christian Louboutins?" Beth murmured in awe. "Those are like, a hundred and forty-five galleons." She glanced at Keavy and Sam and whispered, "Do you think he'd care if we asked for her autograph?"

Keavy made a face. Unlike the other two, she didn't give a rats arse about shoes, or clothes and didn't really understand why they did. She also had no idea what a Christian Louboutin was, and she was in no hurry to figure it out. "Why would you want her autograph? Who is she?"

"Fashion designer. Has a shop in Diagon," Sam whispered helpfully.

"And as my wife you should give her just as much respect as you give me," Bill paused, thinking over his previous statement. "Actually give her more respect. If you could please give me the slingshot, Mr. Jayne?" Bill stood and held out his hand to the Gryffindor. He turned the product over in his hands. "Magical Mini Slingshot," he said loud enough for the whole class to hear. "Guaranteed to make your chosen projector go furthur, faster. Produced by the infamous Weasley Twins."

He turned to look at his wife. "When do you think they'll understand that my last name's Weasley? And I'm just as sneaky when I want to be?" he asked her, letting everyone else decide to whom he was referring to--his brothers or his students.

"And 'ow long 'ave you been repeating zis, chéri?" she asked with an amused smirk, leaning back against his desk and crossing her legs at the ankles. "Per'aps if you simply 'exed zem like I do, you might not 'ave zis problem."

"Yes, but then they get all whiny," he complained, pocketing the slingshot before taking his place next to his wife. The professor eyed his student. "If you were planning on using this to flick bits of rubber at my wife's arse, I'm going to be most put out."

"Bill," she lightly admonished him.

"What?" He turned to look at her. "I will be!"

"Comme vous ne l'auraient pas fait la même chose quand vous êtes quinze ans," she remarked idly, raising one perfectly manicured brow at him.

Bill resisted the urge to pout at his wife. Shrugged his shoulders he offered her a simple, "Would not."

Sam watched the couple, eyes wide. Not even her parents had that easy camaraderie that these two obviously shared. "Wow, I kinda think I want to be her when I grow up."

Keavy snickered. She was used to her friends going off about the stupidest things, well, stupidest in her opinion. "When I grow up, I want to be Katie Bell."

"I think they're both awesome," Beth replied, shooting a grin at her friends. She liked both fashion and Quidditch, and had snuck out of the badger's den several times to spy... er, watch the Ravenclaws practice, mainly just to watch Katie Bell at work.

Sam shrugged. Obviously neither of her friends saw the sheer presence Fleur Delacour exuded. Cool and confident. She knew she was good looking, but she didn't let that define her. She was a Triwizard Champion, like Cedric, which meant she was smart. But she hadn't let her school history define her either. Somehow, she doubted the role of Champion and fashion designer often intersected.

Bill cleared his throat, eyes watching the little Hufflepuff get together in the back of the room. Confident that everyone's attention as him, as he preferred it, he began to explain how the day's lesson would go about.

"Wait," Beth whispered, "they're going to duel? Like, a real honest-to-Merlin duel?"

That had Keavy sitting up, eyes darting to the front of the room. "I hope so," she whispered back.

Sam remained quiet.

"Alright, all. Up, out of your desks." Bill waved his wand once the twenty fifth years did as he requested, moving the desks to the side. "Sit. Be quiet and hopefully I won't suddenly decide to accidentally hex you lot."

Sam snorted to herself. Somehow she doubted Professor Weasley would ever hex a student personally. The Headmistress would have his head on a platter if he did so.

Fleur rolled her eyes and pushed herself up off her husband's desk, heels clicking across the floor as she followed him to the makeshift dueling strip he'd set up. "Just focus on trying to 'ex me, chéri," she teased with a smirk.

"Trying, love? Try will." He returned her smirk with one of his own as he shucked off his teaching robe and began to stretch. He had purposely worn loose fitting clothing in preparation for the day's lesson.

"Peut-être, mon amour," she murmured, slipping off her scarf and setting it down on a nearby desk. It had been far too long since she'd been able to properly work out her frustrations against a worthy opponent; the twins were usually too scared to fight back when she went a-hexing.

Laughing slightly, he set a ward up around their temporary dueling area. His threats were mostly idle. Some of the curses he and his wife would be throwing around would be a bit more than his little darlings could handle and he didn't want to chance it. Besides, his ward was clever little piece of spell work. Any dodged spells would hit and be absorbed into the whole, serving as a power booster, essentially becoming a closed system. Genius.

Fleur stretched, lifting her arms above her head and arching her back in an homage to her former ballet days. "'Ave you explained to zem ze proper procedure for a duel?" she asked, bending down to stretch her hamstrings.

He closed his eyes and asked Merlin for strength. His wife was playing for keeps and wasn't above playing dirty for it. "I have. But that reminds me." He opened his eyes and glanced around the room at his students. "I will want an essay on Friday detailing the duel and what, in your opinion, could have changed the outcome. Two feet please."

Sam groaned under her breath. As if she didn't already have assignments due in Charms and Care of Magical Creatures. Oh well, at least Charms was mostly done and CoMC was always quick, it was her best class.

"Alright ladies," Drew said, sidling up to the gaggle of Hufflepuff girls. "Who are you taking to win this one? Personally, my money's on Professor Weasley. His wife looks too... I dunno, girly."

"Sod off, Drew." Sam pulled her hair up in a ponytail. "You wouldn't know talent if it bit you in the arse."

"Guess that answers that," he said, giving Sam a wink before turning his attentions to the other girls. "Keavy, what do you think?"

"I think he's going to be taking it easy on his wife, so my money is on her."

"I think I'm taking his wife," Beth said. "But it's a close call."

Bill took the first shot. A lazy stunner that he fulled expected her to dodge. They just needed a chance to get warmed up, and to stop the students from chatting amongst themselves. Hopefully the bright lights and flashing colors would be enough to grab their short little attention spans. When he saw a handful of them pull out quills and pieces of parchment, he smiled. At least some of them were thinking ahead and taking notes.

Fleur countered his Stunning Spell easily, raising an eyebrow at him as her lips thinned. Was he trying to be patronizing? He had another thing coming if he expected to get by with third-year spells like that.

Streaking her wand in front of her, she conjured up a large cloud of black smoke, obscuring his vision as she shot a quick array of Stinging Hexes towards him, automatically moving to the side as she anticipated his counter-attack.

Bill let out a hiss as one of her stinging hexes caught him in the thigh. Sending one of his sister's favorites, bat bogey, he began to strategize his next move. He could turn the cloud into his advantage. While he might be unable to see Fleur, that also meant she was unable to see him. He quickly sent off a series of tickling hexes high and low. They might be simple, first year standard spells, but he was conserving his strength for later on. Besides, it also gave a chance for his students to realize even the most simple of spells could have applications far beyond the halls of Hogwarts.

A steady stream of curses escaped Fleur's lips as one of the hexes hit her foot. Chéri, you will pay for that. Using her wand to siphon the smoke from the air, she transfigured it into a long whip, which she cracked menacingly, smirking when it snapped at the back of her husband's leg and he let out a strangled yelp.

He glared across the way, muttering something in Arabic, too low to catch. Before the smoke could fully clear the air, it began to swirl in an unseen wind. A few flicks of his wrist and it began to dance within the ward, seemingly random. With the whirlwind to serve as a distraction, he set off a few pulses of sickly yellow light. While not specifically dangerous by any means, Bill knew full well how much the damn things burned when they hit one's person. It was not pleasant.

A scorching pain slashed across Fleur's collarbone as one of the jets hit her full on. She nearly dropped her wand, the pain was so intense, but she held on to it. Her vision clouded over with red as her blood began to boil. Time to up the ante on her dearly beloved.

Banishing the cloud into nothingness, Bill had a split second to take in the anger clearly written on her face before she shouted, "Impedimenta!" She watched with supreme satisfaction as the force of the spell hit him full in the chest, hurling him back against the confines of the wards.

The wards crackled against his skin, like static, sending shivers up his spine. Taking advantage of the slight shock it gave him, he gave his wife a mirthless grin as he shot a spell off, missing her by a just millimeters.

"Si tu brûles mes cheveux, Bill Weasley, je promets que tu dormirais au canapé," she hissed, shooting a bolt of fire at his feet.

"Oh, but burning mine is perfectly alright?" He snapped back, dancing out of the way of her spell as his previous spell began to take form behind his wife. He sent a simple tripping jinx at her feet. Though she was able avoid the spell aimed for her feet, she fell backwards over his first one, sending her to the floor.

"Putain," she screeched, pain shot up her backside as she hit the stone floor. Not even pausing to get off the ground, she shot a Slashing Hex at Bill, narrowing her eyes when an angry red mark slashed across his arm.

He darted forward, ignoring the wet tackiness of blood on his arm. He fell upon her, knowing perfectly well that while she was deadly with her wand, he outweighed her by a few stone and he had the advantage.

Even though Bill was much larger and stronger than she was, cornering a quarter-Veela was never a good idea. Letting out a blood-curdling scream, Fleur struggled underneath him, nails slashing out at whatever skin was closest as one high-heel encased foot made contact with his shin.

While he was no hand to hand fighting expert, Bill had tumbled plenty of times with his younger brothers so he was used to the minor annoyances like nails digging into his skin or his ear drums bursting because someone wanted to scream directly into his ear. Letting out a soft 'wuff' as her foot dug into his leg, he pinned her wrists above her head, knocking her wand away. Let her win without that.

Without a second thought, Fleur jerked her knee up into his groin. Bill let go her wrists immediately, rolling to the side in pain. Using his momentary distraction to her advantage, she wordlessly summoned her wand and cast a Full Body Bind curse on him.

He made a show of narrowing his eyes at her when she turned him over with her toe, Bill gripped his wand tightly and caste the silent counter curse. He remained stiff and rigid until she turned away before he reached out, fingers circling her ankle, pulling her down to the ground before he scrambled back up. While she was stunned for a moment, he summoned her wand, sticking it in his back pocket. He kept his own trained on his wife.

She held his gaze, chest rising and falling as she weighed her options. No wand, his wand at her face, and her on the ground. Definite disadvantage, unless...

Quick as a flash, she struck out with her right foot, catching him behind the knees. His eyes widened in surprise as he fell to the ground. She snatched his wand out of his hand and pointed it between his eyes, muttering a strong Body Bind curse.

Satisfied he wouldn't break out of this one, she rose and placed her foot over his neck, the heel of her shoe pressing insistently into his throat. "Reddition à moi, chéri?" she asked, keeping his wand trained on him.

He swallowed against her heel. It wasn't as if he was able to talk anyhow.

"Zat is what I thought," she murmured, keeping his wand on him as she rolled him over with her toe, summoning her own wand out of his back pocket. She set his wand down beside him, then leaned over to give him a quick peck on the lips.

"See you at 'ome, chéri," she murmured before rising and leaving the warded circle. She wasn't cruel enough to leave him bound in front of his students, though, so just before she exited the room, she turned and shot the counter-spell at his prone form.

It took a moment for Bill to stand, his hand going to his throat, rubbing slightly. "As you can see," he eyed all of them as he began to take down his ward, "it is very easy to get cocky in a fight, even when you are intimately familiar," there was a breakout of giggles, but he ignored it and went on, "with your opponent. Off the top of my head I can think of several instances where mistakes were made on both my and my wife's part. Hopefully you all will be able to recognize the same."

Sam flushed when she realized she had forgotten to take notes. Quickly scribbling any last minute thought she had on the duel, she vowed to write down all that she remembered before her next class.

"I don't think he went easy on her," Beth whispered. "Sam?"

The slim girl shook her head. "But I don't think she went easy on him, either."

Summary: Before the OWLs descend, Bill and Fleur take the time to duel for his fifth years.

bill, bill/fleur, pink sheep rpg, fleur

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