My home is not a place ...

May 02, 2009 15:57

Category: Pink Sheep RPG

The weak sunlight was anything but warm, especially so close to the coast, but there was sunshine and thus Lola wore a tiny tank with her old, worn pair of overalls.

She was much too busy to be worried about the cool air anyways. She’d had leaks in the thatched roof of her cottage all winter long, and the bowls and pots littered throughout her home were evidence that the roof needed replacing.

She’d been able to patch it temporarily with charms, but she was no carpenter witch. She also had the pride of a German shepherd twice her size, and hadn’t let her Papa or anyone else help. It was true her parents (and the rest of her extended family) lived not more than a five minute away in the village proper, but she wanted to do this herself.

Meaning, she wanted to do it with Emma.

“How do you think we put this stuff on?” she asked, looking from the new shingle in her hand to Emma who was standing on the roof right next to her.

Emma looked up from her attempt to spin the ball peen hammer around her finger and cocked her head thoughtfully.. "Um... I think maybe the old roof has to come off first. It's hard to nail anything to rotten old thatch."

She went to hang the hammer on the loop attached to her overalls, but didn't quite get catch it and the tool dropped down, through the roof and onto the floor of the cottage. Looking sheepish, Emma smiled at Lola. "Oops."

Lola peered through the hole. It was the reason they were up here at all. She had her home leak ready, but when the small bit of roof she was currently looking through had given way in the last rain storm, she knew she'd put off replacing the roof long enough.

Summoning the hammer to her hand, Lola handed it back to Emma, sharing a smile with her friend. "We can tear off thatch," she said, nodding at Emma's earlier assessment of the job before them. "How hard can it be?"

Emma grinned. Destruction they could do. Turning mischievous eyes toward the other tiny woman, she challenged, "I bet I can clear my half faster than you can clear your half." Sticking her tongue out quickly, Emma dropped to her knees and started pulling at the thatch. It was harder than she thought, but with a great tug she managed to pull some up - and promptly land on her bum.

A wide grin pulled at Lola’s lips as she watched her friend. “I could probably take tea and still beat you,” she giggled before bending down to pull at the thatch - and landing right next to Emma.

"Not a chance, ballerina girl!" Emma exclaimed, pulling at the next section. "You'll probably pas de chat right off the edge of the cottage." The patch of roofing she was tugging was no less stubborn than the first, though, and with a squeal she pitched back on to her rump again.

“It’s pas de deux,” Lola informed her friend as she landed right next to her. “And you’re probably going to topple right off the edge of the cottage without the fancy footwork,” she said around a smile. “At least I’ll make it look pretty.”

Crinkling her nose, Emma curled into a crouch. Her green eyes twinkled with mischief. "Kittens do pas de chat," she insisted, a wicked smile spreading slowly across her face. "And I make everything look pretty."

As the last word faded, she launched herself at Lola, tackling her friend with a squeal. "See!?" she cried as the two of them tumbled across the roof.

"We've at least got the deux part right, now!" Lola giggled, trying to get the upper hand, only to be rolled around again.

And that's when the roof gave and both girls fell through with echoing high-pitched screams.

Graham arrived in front of the dilapidated little cottage just in time to see a tangle of two tiny women disappear from their rooftop perch, leaving nothing but a gaping hole in their wake. The screams stopped abruptly, and Graham's face went pale.

"Shit!" he breathed, tearing for the cottage.

He slammed through the door, calling Lola's name as he ran to the part of the house they'd fallen into. When he came to the bedroom, he collapsed against the door in relief.

"Ow," Emma said with a giggle, nose wrinkling as she slowly sat up on the bed that had broken their fall. Turning to her friend, her smile went crooked. She reached out and pulled a bit of straw from Lola's ponytail. "You've got thatch in your hair."

Blowing her hair out of her eyes, Lola looked at Emma. "You've got more thatch in yours," she said, giggle slipping out even as she moved to finish the pouncing fight they'd been having on the roof. She'd a few scratches from falling through, but Lola's been in brawls with her cousins and she could patch herself up later. She hated cleaning them, but first she had a pas de chat to win.

With twin eeps, Emma and Lola rolled off the bed as they tussled. Frowning, Graham strode to the kitten pile and grabbed each witch around the waist, hoisting them off the ground. "Oi! You just fell through the roof and scared me half to death. Do you think we could check you over for injuries before you continue your battle to the death?"

Emma craned her head to look up at the fellow from whose arm she hung. "Hello, Graham. Did you come to help with the roof? We've taken a lot of thatch off already." Thatch that was now scattered all over Lola's bedroom, as it happened. The little blonde laughed.

Lola started to giggle too, and then sneezed from the dust. Her whole body shook with it, and after, she wilted somewhat from the exertion, though she turned her head enough to rest her cheek against Graham's thigh, blue eyes peering up at him. "I don't think we did it right though."

Graham sighed, lowering Emma and Lola to the ground again. They were still tittering, holding onto one another as they nearly cried from amusement. "I fail to see the humor," he grumped, stomping to the loo to see what first aid supplies the hellkit kept on hand.

Gathering plasters and gauze - he hadn't seen any major damage, but better to be prepared - he called back to them. "Sit down and see where you have injuries. No rough-housing!"

Lola crinkled her nose at him as she pulled Emma down on the edge of the tub next to her, both giggling again when they nearly tumbled in. "You're such a grump, Graham. Not a fun bone in your body," she giggled, blue eyes merrily peering up at him as she brushed the tousled hair from her face. "Grumpy Graham."

"Grumpy Graham," Emma parroted in a singsong voice. Turning to Lola, she started looking her friend over, little noises of comfort passing her lips as she cataloged each scratch and scrape. "Lolz has lots of bumps and bruises, Graham." She flashed him a mischievous grin. "Are you going to kiss them better?"

The serious expression on Graham's face cracked for a moment, lips curling at one corner. "I might be convinced to do something like that. What do you say, Kit?"

Lola frowned, gaze going from Emma in irritation, up to Graham and then back to her kitten friend. She crinkled her nose at the blonde, and even as she did it an idea occurred to her and her bright blue eyes lit with mischief and she grinned widely at Emma.

"I think I have an ouch on my lips, Grumpy Graham," she said, eyes twinkling merrily at her friend before she looked up at Graham, brushing her wayward hair from her face again.

With a raised brow, Graham looked at Lola suspiciously. He wet a washcloth and kneeled in front of the brunette witch, carefully washing away the dust and dirt on her face. "Is that right? And you think I should kiss them better?"

"I've been told that's a really good way to fix ouches," she replied, blue eyes following him. It was unconscious, but Lola leaned towards him as he lightly brushed away dirt and dust from her face. "You should show Ems that it's still a good way to fix things."

Lola's intent had been to make her friend squirm for the suggestion she'd made about kisses and ouches, but just that moment, mischief wasn't terribly close at hand. Graham was too close.

He knew she'd been up to something when the words initially came from her mouth, but Graham recognized the slight intensity of her focus, somehow hazy and sharpened at the same time and he leaned close. Still, he couldn't help but return her little tease and a smirk curled his lips. "I should show Emma? Does she have ouches on her lips, too?"

He was well aware that wasn't what Lola'd meant, but he was curious how she'd react to the suggestion he kiss her kitten companion.

Emma's eyes widened and a little giggle passed her lips. She and Lola had shared more than one man for snogs, but Graham wasn't just anyone. He was Lola's and Emma would never play those kinds of games with him. It was fun to watch him tease her friend, though. Lolz was always a little more high strung around the handsome former Slytherin.

A frown touched Lola's brow at his words, deepening at his smirk, and she tilted her chin at him. "Maybe you should check."

She didn't really mean it. She had shared everything with Emma, even some guys, but not Graham. She didn't want to share Graham, which was probably a thought that should be examined at some point, but just this moment Lola wasn't thinking very far past her scowl at him.

Graham's eyes drifted to Emma, seeing her amusement at the conversation. He winked at her before grinning at Lola. "I think Emma's lips are just fine," he said, placing a hand on either side of her slim hips. "You, however, seem to be in need of healing kisses." He leaned forward, barely brushing her lips with his.

"I think I'm fine now," she protested, tiny hand going to his chest to push him away. He was in her personal space though, and she could feel him and every breath brought his scent to her. Instead of pushing, her little fingers curled. "No need," she insisted, though her voice had gone a little breathy despite herself and Lola frowned again.

"Nope, there are definitely some ouches in need of fixing," he said. "One right here." He pressed a soft kiss to the left corner of her mouth. "And one here," he continued, moving to the right corner. "And a big ouch right here." Pulling her close, he captured her lips completely, tongue venturing forth for a thorough taste of her sweetness.

Emma cleared her throat. "Get a room."

Lola heard her friend, but it was distant, and instead of pushing at Graham, she tugged him closer as she opened her mouth to him. There was the thought that now wasn't the time for this and she was supposed to be annoyed at him, but just that moment such thoughts were very, very far away.

Graham's arms slipped around Lola's waist to tug her closer. It never took much to heat his blood where his hellkit was concerned, and as his his lips slid over hers, his thoughts inevitably turned to the bedroom.

With an exasperated huff, Emma gave the randy pair a shove. "Hey! I didn't mean this room!"

Emma's shove was enough to tear Lola's lips from Grahams, and she blinked a little hazily, though a smile tipped her lips as she glanced over at her kitten friend. "You didn't say which room, though," she pointed out.

"It was your idea, Emma," Graham pointed out reasonably before brushing another, softer, kiss to Lola's mouth. Grinning, he stood again, looking at the two ragamuffins with amusement now that he was certain they weren't harmed. "I suppose I'd better fix your roof so you two miscreants don't kill yourselves. Good thing I didn't wear my good clothes today."

A grin pulled at his lips. "Do you suppose you could manage cleaning up the mess you've made inside without furthering the destruction?"

Lola looked over at Emma, grin pulling at her lips. "Most of it is on the bed. We might have to jump around a bit to get it all."

"Last one there's a rotten egg!" Emma squealed, knocking Lola backwards into the tub and rushing from the loo.

Emma was already gone before Lola had even stood from her perch on the tub, and Lola chased after her, calling, "I'll make you into a rotten egg!"

She was halfway out the door before a thought occurred to her, and she turned abruptly and launched herself at Graham. "For good luck," she grinned before tugging him down and pressing her lips to his, a sharp nip following a moment later before she streaked out of the loo.

Shaking his head, Graham couldn't help but laugh. If nothing else, their competition ought to keep them out of his hair - and off the roof - long enough to for him to get the job done. Hopefully they'll manage to keep the house standing while I'm up there.

Summary: Lola and Emma attempt to fix the roof and Graham plays nursemaid. Kisses make everything better.

graham, pink sheep rpg, lola, emma

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