A successful marriage requires falling in love many times...

Dec 16, 2012 21:24

Cassie was getting pretty good at the whole domestic thing. The Ministry gave six months maternity leave, so her days since Maddy was born had been filled with nothing but domesticity. She fixed their meals, though she allowed the elves to do the clean up afterward, and she changed her baby’s nappies, cared for her when she got upset, and was weighing the merits of weaning Maddy off the breast now or give it a little more time. Stephen teased her a bit, but she knew he was proud of her and of their little family. For as quickly as life had dealt their cards, they were acclimating quite well, in her opinion.

Although they hadn’t had very much time alone since their daughter was born.

Tonight Cassie was determined to make it happen though. Maddy was settled in her crib - finally - and looked like she was out for at least the next several hours, so Cassie slipped quietly into her dressing room to make herself into a tempting package. Pulling the purple merrywidow she’d never gotten to fully employ before her pregnancy from her drawer, she fastened it up swiftly, smiling at the ample bosom that now filled the cups nearly to bursting. Once she was finished, she went in search of her darling husband, and found him in his study with a glass of scotch and a game on the wireless.


“Good match?” she asked from the doorway.

“Hmmm. Ackers dislocated his shoulder -- I don’t envy Katie tonight, having to take care of him. He whines more than a firstie when he’s hurt. Still, Appleby managed to win the match, and Falmouth’ll be out for blood when they play Puddlemere next week. As will Mrs. Ackerley, I’m sure, so it should be interesting....” His speech trailed off when he glanced up from his desk. One dark brow quirked, and his lips curled. “Well hello, love.”

“That’s better,” she teased. “ I was beginning to think I’d never catch your attention.” Sashaying further into the room, Cassie relaxed against the large desk. “Maddy’s asleep. I was hoping I might be able to pull you away from the wireless for something a little more active.”

“Why, Mrs. Cornfoot, are you trying to seduce me?”

Cassie leaned close to his ear. “Yes.”

Stephen hummed and reached for his wife’s shapely hips, pulling her into his lap easily. “That’s what I thought,” he murmured, nuzzling the spot where neck and shoulder met -- one of Cassie’s sensitive areas.

She shivered, a soft hum of pleasure rumbling in her throat at the light touch. The fact that they had fewer of these moments than they’d enjoyed prior to becoming parents made each encounter more special, more intense. Stephen was the love of her life and Merlin did she love showing him just how much she cared. “Will you join me or are you content with your radio and your drink?”

“Depends on where you’re taking me.” Reaching up, he tipped her chin back, exposing her lovely neck to his kiss. “Or,” he rumbled against her skin, “we could stay here...”

Lips curling into a smile, Cassie’s eyes fluttered shut as her husband’s lips moved over her neck. “But I don’t want to listen to quidditch.”

“Who said we’d be listening to quidditch?”

“Are you suggesting we make love in your study?” Her hand skimmed down to caress him through his trousers. “Scandalous.”

Stephen growled and nipped at her smooth neck. “It’s hardly the most scandalous place we’ve ever done it,” he pointed out. He reached up to cup one heavy breast, fingers caressing through the silk material until she gasped.

Pausing in her attention to Stephen’s now straining member, Cassie’s fingers worked the leather of his belt from its buckle. With one swift pull, it came whirring from the loops of his trousers. “Mmm, no it isn’t. There was the time in the press box. Well, the many times in the press box. And of course, the time in the Ministry lift was a particularly close call.”

“At Stewart and Katie’s wedding reception,” he reminded her with a gasp. “Falcon Court on Christmas Eve.”

“In the coat room at White Chapel...” her voice trailed off as she worked the button of his trousers and tugged the zipper down. Stephen’s fingers pinched her nipple through her lingerie, briefly but hard, and Cassie cried out. Blue eyes met his, glazed with heat. “Gods, I want you.”

Without missing a beat, Stephen surged out of his seat, pulling Cassie with him. His arms were tight around her body as he laid her down on the expansive oak desk, pressing her atop sheets of parchment and quills. His lips found hers, his hands slid over her sides and down towards her knickers as his hips rolled against hers.

Cassie moved against him, needy sounds pouring from her mouth. Her husband’s lips found her neck and she felt his fingers twisting in the fabric of her panties, preparing to tear them from her body.

And then a sharp wail pierced the air and they both froze.

“No, no, no. Not now,” Cassie murmured, praying Maddy would settle on her own.

Stephen paused mid-motion. This was not happening -- it’d been over a week since their last shag; a hurried moment between Cassie coming home from work and Mira dropping Maddy off after a day with her. They hadn’t had much time to have a proper moment together.

“C’mon, princess,” he murmured against his wife’s neck.

They held their breath a long moment as the cries seemed to become less urgent, but it didn’t last. Maddy’s pitiful wails flowed through the halls and a sharp crack drew their attention to the baby’s nanny elf who stood in the corner of the room, her small hand covering her eyes.

“The missy is being hungry. [Elf’s name] checked her nappies, but they were dry.”

Cassie’s head dropped back onto the desk with a thunk. “Thank you, [Elf’s name]. I’ll be right there.” The elf disapparated and Cassie turned frustrated eyes to her husband. “I need you tonight. Please don’t fall asleep before I can get back to you.”

“On my desk?” He quirked a brow at her and tried to ignore the urge to just not let her move from underneath him. “Little chance of that.”

“Wherever I find you. On your desk, in the hallway, anywhere. I just need to make love to you. I miss you.” Maddy sobbed again, and Cassie sighed as Stephen moved away from her. Standing, she cupped his face and pressed a soft kiss to his lips. “Be back as soon as I can.”
“I’ll be here.” He watched her hurry out of his study, eyes on her barely-covered arse until he was alone. It was only then that he let out a frustrated groan and let his head drop back on the top of his chair. One. Night. That was all he was asking -- begging for, really. He loved Madeline more than life itself, but he was still a man.

He wanted sex. Was that too much to ask?

Maddy quieted instantly when Cassie put her to breast, though the process was delayed by the hassle involved in removing the lingerie she’d donned for her husband.. Her baby girl was a glutton; it hadn’t even been two hours since her last feeding. Maybe due to a growth spurt, or perhaps she needed to add more solids to Maddy’s diet. These were things she’d have to discuss with the healer, but it was hard to focus on them just now.

Just this moment her mind was on the sex she’d had to abandon before it had even begun. This sort of thing had happened before. Never quite as close to coitus as this particular instance, but their daughter seemed to have a sixth sense for when her parents were trying to find some quality time alone.

“Listen to me, baby. Mummy and Daddy love you very much, but you’ve got to let them love each other too. You’ll have much happier parents if you give us an hour every few days.”

Madeline didn’t respond, apparently unmoved by her mother’s words. It was twenty minutes later that she finally dozed off again, satisfied with her full belly. Very carefully, Cassie settled her back in her crib and gave [elf’s name] strict instructions not to disturb her unless the house was on fire or someone was dying.

She’d given up on the merrywidow, and tossed on one of Stephen’s t-shirts before heading back to his study. Time was of the essence, and Cassie was starting to think that particular outfit was cursed.

“Miss me?” she asked as she poked her head in the room.

“What do you bloody well think?” he asked, glancing up from the notes he’d gathered off the floor. “Get back over here, woman.”

She didn’t need to be told twice. Crossing to Stephen’s desk, Cassie hopped onto the paper-covered wood and raised a brow at her husband. “I believe I was right about here before we were interrupted, yes?”

“Something like that.” Stephen smoothed a hand over her bare thigh. “Lingerie a bit much tonight?”

“Expediency seemed more important at the moment,” she replied, her fingers sliding over his scalp. “If you’d be so kind as to tend to my knickers, we can get back down to business.”

“Are we engaging in a business transaction?” He put on an affronted expression. “Am I nothing more to you than a tool?”

Cassie gave a passably apologetic look, sympathetic noises passing her lips as she leaned in to kiss him. “You’re not a tool, darling. I love it when you work on me, though.”

Stephen made a disbelieving hum against her lips. “I see what your angle is. Butter me up so I’ll give in to your feminine wiles. You fool me not one bit, wife.”

“And you don’t fool me, husband,” the blonde replied, arching a brow. “Acting as if you aren’t aching for it just as badly as I am. Your daughter could thwart us yet, are you sure you want to play the denial game?”

“Oh, so she’s my daughter when she’s keeping us from sex, is she?” His hands grasped her hips soundly and pulled her off the desk and into his lap. It was counterproductive since he intended to take her against that desk in a matter of minutes, but he’d take care of that later. For now, he was content to let his fingers skim along the thin material of her knickers.

“Well, she is your princess, and she does seem to have a knack for knowing when Mummy’s getting a little overly friendly with Daddy.” Her hands smoothed over Stephen’s chest, a low hum of pleasure escaping at the contact. “Perhaps she’s trying to ensure she never has to share your attention with a sibling.”

His hand slipped beneath her knickers to cup her round bum. “I think there’s time for that. Later. Much later.”

“Mmhmm,” Cassie hummed, letting her hips roll against her husband’s. Merlin knew one child was more than enough for the time being. That didn’t mean they had to stop practicing the making of them, though. “I have other ideas just now.”

“I look forward to exploring those ideas.” He ducked his head and pressed a kiss to her neck. “Thoroughly.”

Summary: Cassie wants a little alone time with her man. Too bad the baby doesn't seem to be on the same page.

cassandra, spawn, stephen, stephen/cassandra

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