The moonlight plays upon your skin

Aug 11, 2012 23:21

Neil’s flat was dark as the pair Apparated in, greeted by the still quiet that surrounded them. A few simple flicks of his wand lit the lights as Gabrielle tugged off her leather jacket, draping it across the back of a chair before she crossed the living room to sink down on the soft, leather sofa.

Their date had been... une catastrophe, her mind supplied helpfully. She liked Graham; he was nice man, but his “bitty ballerina” was something else entirely. She didn’t understand -- before Graham had grasped her back to him, it’d been like she was going to try and hit her.

It was best she didn’t. Gabrielle wasn’t a particularly practiced fighter, but she had a temper like a tempest, and she had abilities afforded to her from her Veela grandmother. They’d have seen how well Lola could hit someone with her hair on fire.

And as rude and upset as the other woman made Gabrielle, she was trying -- mon Dieu, was she trying -- to keep a hold of her tongue. This woman, for better or worse, was in Neil’s family. But Gabrielle was not. If it came down to it... he could leave her, but he couldn’t get rid of Lola.

It was enough to make her feel very out of her element.

“Donc,” she said, one hand idly fiddling with the straps around her leather boots, “zat was intérresant.”

Neil gave a little snort. It wasn’t exactly a shock that his girlfriend and Lola were not destined to be bosom friends. They were very different people to start and he knew that Lola was a bit of an acquired taste. Well, unless you were Graham, who’d sought the tiny brunette out almost from his first day at Hogwarts.

Settling beside her, he draped an arm over Gabrielle’s shoulders and drew her close into his side. “Interesting is a good description. Not of terribly long duration, though. I imagine the newlyweds have a hard time being in company for very long. Horny bastards,” he joked lightly.

Gabrielle’s nose crinkled. She knew enough to know what ‘horny’ meant, but her opinion was that it was other attributes that made it harder to be around the new Mrs. Pritchard.

“Zey are very passionate,” she said, letting him pull her against him, the cloth of his shirt warm against her bare arm. “Zey are ‘aving... beaucoup de désir.”

“It’s a Pritchard trait,” Neil said with a smirk. “We’re positively brimming with desire at all times. Some of us are just better at controlling it than others.” It had been a challenge keeping himself in check, though. Gabrielle was a stunning woman who’d made it very clear she was perfectly willing to join him in bed. Explaining what had kept him from taking her up on the offer was difficult. An underlying sense of chivalry or a desire to be careful with her feelings perhaps. His brother, predictably, thought he was nuts. It occurred to him that maybe he was. Gabrielle was young, but she was a grown woman. She was capable of making these kinds of choices for herself.

“Mmmm, zat I ‘ave seen for myself.” It was hard not to frown. She did not know what she was doing wrong, or if for all of the kissing and touching, to accept that Neil did not want her in that way. She was a beautiful woman -- she knew and admitted it freely. Men wanted her, and whenever she wanted them in return, she’d had no problems getting what she wanted. Except for now, when it was a man she wanted more than any other.

“Have you? If I were you, I imagine I’d be wondering whether my boyfriend had any passion at all.” The smile turned wry. It was the first time he’d openly acknowledged that he’d been holding back.

“Ze thought ‘as come to mind before,” she said, raising one blonde brow at the curl of his lips. “Per’aps my boyfriend ees not wanting me, non?”

That brought an outright laugh. He didn’t know any man who wouldn’t want Gabrielle. The thought of those long legs wrapped around him, those lips on his skin, of course he wanted her. Badly. “I think it’s more likely your boyfriend has just been an idiot.” Neil pulled her into his lap and pressed his lips to the graceful bend of her neck, bit lightly.

“Ah bon?” She hummed in pleasure, tipping her head back and elongating more of her neck for his lips to touch. One strong arm wrapped around her waist, holding her against him, making Gabrielle thrill at his words and touch. “Weel my boyfriend be taking me to bed, zen?” she breathed.

“Soon enough,” Neil replied. He knew the answer was not exactly what Gabrielle was hoping for, but he’d taken his time to get here and he’d take his time enjoying it now that the time had come. For now he indulged in a slow, thorough kiss and let his hand slide under her shirt and up the smooth expanse of her back.

Soon enough. Gabrielle had been patient, and ‘soon’ was promising. She could be patient for a little while longer, she decided as she reached up to card her fingers through his dark hair. She sank into the kiss, the length of her long body pressing against Neil’s.

Deft fingers unclasped the - no doubt - very expensive bra she wore and Neil’s hand slid beneath the silky material to cup a pert breast. A smirk curled his lips even as he continued his exploration of Gabrielle’s mouth. Laying her back on the sofa, his body covered hers, allowing him to enjoy the delicious cradle of her hips and foreshadow what was to come with a roll of his own.

She arched against him and wrapped one leg around his waist, meeting his hips with her own. His touch was like a drug, and her body felt languorous and relaxed beneath him. She wasn’t content with being the only one whose clothes were being removed; nimble fingers went to the buttons on his shirt, flicking them open one by one.

Pulling back slightly, Neil’s eyes dropped to where Gabrielle was quickly undoing his shirt. When she finished the last button, he shrugged it off. “Your turn,” he murmured before pulling her camisole up and off, following it up by slipping off the loose bra she still wore. “Beautiful.” The word was just a breath across her skin as he bent to lave a rosy nipple.

“Mon dieu, ouah,” Gabrielle breathed. It was like there was a string between her small breasts -- she was a small-chested woman, though it didn’t seem like Neil minded at the moment -- and her sex, with every pass of his tongue pulling at something inside her. Her hands slid under the thin undershirt he still wore, splaying out over his broad back as little sounds of encouragement fell from her lips in French.

The soft noises she made, mostly words uttered in a language he only knew a little of, though the meaning was clear in that moment, heated his blood and spurred him on. Forcing himself to separate from the pink bud, Neil rid himself of the white t-shirt. He wanted to feel the softness of her skin against his own. With a hum of pleasure, he returned to her arms, capturing her lips as one hand slid beneath to cup her arse.

Her long arms slid around Neil’s body, holding him to her as their lips met in another kiss. It was torture of the best kind, this slow déshabiller as hands and lips explored previously unseen skin. Her body arched into him, and her hips pressed tighter against his as she pushed off the sofa, bracing her slight weight on her right foot.

Gabrielle felt wonderful pressed against him, and there was no coyness in her actions. She was perfectly at ease letting him know she wanted him. The feeling was mutual, and he wasn’t going to take her on his sofa. Not the first time anyway. “I think,” he said, pausing to taste her soft lips again, “we should adjourn to my bedroom where I fully intend to get you out of those shorts.” He didn’t wait for a response before rising and lifting her from the sofa.

He would hear no arguments from her. “And my boots as well,” she asked, giving him a long, slow smile, “or weel zey be staying on?”

Casting a glance down her long legs, Neil smiled. The visual of his girlfriend nude but for the extremely sexy boots she wore was enticing, although the second picture his mind supplied - of his kidney being pierced in the throes of passion - he decided they’d save that for another night. “I think I want to get to know your body from head to toe,” he replied as he laid her on the duvet and covered her body with his own.

Her hands automatically went to his belt, and her head tilted back to meet his lips in a soft kiss. “C’est mutuel,” she whispered against his skin.

“Eager, love?” he teased, though he made no move to deter her from her mission. He let her unfasten his belt, loose the button of his slacks and slide the zipper down, but before she could push the fabric down his hips Neil began his own trek down her body. His lips brushed lightly over her pulse point before he moved further to gently nip her collarbone. Pausing to suck first at one raised peak and then the other, his hand worked the fastening of her shorts and disappeared beneath to cup her warmth.

The pout that tugged at her lips when he moved out of reach disappeared as quickly as it had surfaced. His hand was firm against her sex, only the thin veil of lace separating his fingers from her waiting body. Instinct had her hips rolling to his touch and her legs widening. After months of self-induced pleasure, the sensation of a man’s hands on her was pure perfection.

Neil smirked as she moved against his hand. Slipping beneath the lacy knickers, he explored her delicate folds. “So ready for me,” he murmured as a long finger was surrounded by wet heat.

Her lids fluttered shut in pleasure, and a soft hum of approval passed her lips. She was not ashamed of her body’s reaction to him -- he drew it out of her, had since their first kiss. There was something thrilling about Neil; it wasn’t something she could pinpoint, but it was there nonetheless.

Long fingers slid through his dark hair, nails scratching lightly at his scalp as his lips returned to her skin once more. “Oui.”

Dragging slowly along her inner passage, Neil removed his finger to further the goal of removing her clothes. Sliding the shorts down long legs, knickers along for the ride, he tossed them aside before climbing back up Gabrielle’s gorgeous body and settling between her thighs.

She revelled in the press of his body against hers, and if her lips tipped eagerly to meet his kiss... well, who could blame her? This man was nearly always in her thoughts -- not all of them naughty, but she couldn’t deny that she’d been wanting this for a very, very long time.

Hooking one leg through his, she grabbed his shoulders and moved against him, using the momentary burst of momentum -- and taking advantage of Neil’s surprise -- to flip them so that she straddled his waist. Her lips curled in a slow, seductive smile as she sat back, the stilleto heels of her boots digging into her butt and the rough denim pressing into her most sensitive places.

“Si,” she said conversationally, leaning down to press a hot kiss to his collarbone. “Eet ees not fair to ‘ave me being the only one who ees naked, I am theenking.”

Neil couldn’t find a thing wrong with having her naked and on top of him. The view was exquisite. There were benefits to having the rest of his clothing removed though. The most obvious being that the denim he wore kept him from sheathing himself deep inside his girlfriend. His girlfriend who was clearly just fine with that plan.

“Then I think you should take care of that for me, love. Do what you want to do.”

Blue eyes flickered down to his open belt, then back up to his face. Her movements were slow and sure, those of a woman who knew what she was doing. As her hands pulled free his belt, her lips found his neck. Tiny bites and open, hot kisses laved his skin as she slowly moved down his chest.

She paused at his nipple, flicking it with her tongue. It gave her a rush of pleasure to hear his sharp intake of breath, to see the muscles of his neck stretched taut as he worked to control himself. Her breath was warm against his chest as she moved to the other nipple, giving it the same treatment as her hands pushed down his denims and undershorts.

Her gaze found his when long fingers wrapped around his newly-freed erection, and her smile grew when he hissed in his breath. Her grasp alternated between firm strokes and teasing, feather-light touches of her fingers as she worked over him.

It had been a long, long time since a woman had handled him so and it was more effort than Neil would’ve cared to admit to keep his response in check. Just the same, he allowed himself a shallow roll of his hips as Gabrielle’s slender fingers gripped him, gliding over his length with a skilled hand. It was so good, but not what his body was aching for.

Sitting up, he carefully pulled her hand from him and shoved his clothes the rest of the way off. With a wicked grin, he grabbed her by the waist and pulled her to straddle him. “That was lovely, but I think we’ve waited long enough for this, don’t you?”

Gabrielle’s lips curled when the tip of his erection brushed against her sensitive nub, sending a shiver down her spine. “No more waiting,” she murmured. Her hips shifted in his grasp, and her mouth formed a soft ‘O’ of pleasure as she sank down onto him. Tipping her head back, her eyes fluttered shut as she enjoyed that first, perfect moment of coupling.

Fingers pressing into the soft curve of her hips, Neil rocked up into her even as he pulled her to him. She felt amazing and his eyes were fixed on her beautiful face, watching every reaction pass across her visage. A low moan escaped him as they fell into a rhythm and his hand skimmed lightly from her hip, over her flat stomach up to cup a perfect breast.

She moaned his name softly, reaching up to cover his hand with one of her own. Her other reached for him, sliding over his chest and to his shoulder, nails marking him with little crescents. The steady rhythm of their bodies -- up and down, slowly increasing in tempo as they moved -- sent little waves of pleasure through her.

Blue eyes opened to find his own fixed on her face, and her breath caught at his expression. Leaning down over him, her lips sought his for a kiss

Growling against her lips, Neil pulled her close and flipped them. His mouth never left hers as they rolled as one, and he swallowed the gasp of surprise and the soft moan that followed as his hips pumped hard against hers. Fingers gripping tight on the curve of her arse, Neil reveled in the feel of her beneath his hands and surrounding his length. Gabrielle was tight and wet and he was thoroughly enjoying the way her breath caught as the roll of his hips sped.

Long legs wrapped tightly around his waist, the tip of one stiletto pressing lightly into Neil’s arse as he moved above her. Gabrielle gasped when one particular thrust brushed over her swollen nub, making stars burst behind her eyelids. “Plus fort,” she whispered against his mouth, her teeth catching his lower lip and nipping softly. “Mon dieu, Neil...”

What kind of man could disregard such a request? The bed creaked in protest, their sweat-slickened bodies smacking as they built to a frenzied pace. Gabrielle’s cries were growing louder; he knew she was close. His own release was building as well, but Neil would see her fall.

Gabrielle’s orgasm hit her with a force that shook her entire body. Her back bowed off the bed, a loud cry of pleasure as her nails raked down his back. After over a year of celibacy, being brought to the edge by another was overwhelming.

Neil gritted his teeth against the clench of her inner muscles, forcing himself to keep going throughout the onslaught of her release. Only once Gabrielle had ridden the wave of pleasure to its completion did he let himself go, spilling inside her with a shudder down his spine and a rumbling moan. Braced on his forearms, he nuzzled the curve of her neck, soft kisses brushing even softer skin. “You are so very, very lovely.”

Shallow breaths passed through lips that were curled with a soft, content smile. She reached up to card her fingers through his dark hair, humming in pleasure. “Merci,” she murmured, brushing her own kiss over his damp brow. Gabrielle felt fantastic; her blood running with the delicious feelings of the thoroughly shagged.

“Stay the night,” he said, pulling back to look her in the eye. “Send me to work groggy in the morning, because we should definitely do that again.”

She laughed softly and lifted her head to kiss him. “I was ‘oping you would say that,” she murmured against his lips, “parce’que I am nowhere near finished with you.”

Summary: Neil and Gabrielle indulge in a little stress relief after a long evening.

gabrielle, nekkid, neil/gabrielle, neil

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