Owl to Lysander Montague

Jul 07, 2012 00:11


I know this package is a bit early, but I'm leaving for a wedding in Goa tomorrow and didn't want this to be held up in Customs. You mentioned your birthday over coffee a few weeks ago, and I just happened to remember it when I saw the first part of this package at Flourish and Blotts last week.

The second, you can thank my sister for (the idea, not the literal item). She was going on and on about your star sign (Cancer) and its tendencies among other things, but I very firmly told her to keep her nose out of my business and not to read anything into this. Dear Merlin, I am rambling. Damn you, Parvati, for putting ideas in my head.

Anyway, I hope you have a very enjoyable birthday. I'm sure we'll bump into each other again soon -- let me know if you'd like to have coffee next week.



I know your mother is the Shakespeare aficionado, but I found this set in a nice shoppe off Covent Garden. My favorite are Henry IV (both parts) and Henry V.

Apparently, water signs like to write. This is according to my sister -- I never took Divination, so I'll accept that at face value. Feel free to chuck it if you'd like.

owl, montague, padma

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