The language of friendship...

Jul 03, 2012 07:03

She didn’t have any appointments until after noon, but rising with Blake as he prepared for practice had become a habit. After seeing her lover off, Reilly dressed and decided it was a good day to check in with her lazy arsed best friend. She knew Corner Records wouldn’t open for a couple hours, so with a mischievous smile at the thought of interrupting Michael’s beauty sleep, she Apparated to his flat above the store.

“I’m beginning to think you don’t love me anymore,” she announced from the living room. “You don’t call, you don’t write, you don’t come to see me.” Of course she was at Blake’s ninety percent of the time or more, so he wasn’t likely to catch her at home even if he did stop by, but that was neither here nor there. He hadn’t been by to check on her and that had always been Michael’s job. He’d been remiss in his friendship duties.

A blonde head poked out of the kitchen. “Good morning, Reilly. There’s coffee brewing if you want some. I’m just going to go get dressed.” Tugging her t-shirt as low over her panties as she could, Emma tiptoed across the room and down the hall to the bedroom. “Don’t worry, I’m sure Michael still loves you,” she called with a giggle before disappearing from view.

Reilly was speechless. It hadn’t occurred to her that Michael’s perky little blonde would be here. Having someone in the midst of her private, unguarded moment when she only expected her best friend... She wasn’t quite sure how to react.

After stealing a snog from the giggling -- and blushing -- blonde that scampered into the bedroom, Michael tugged a pair of athletic pants on. He didn’t bother with a shirt; Reilly had seen it all over the years.

The quirk of his lips cracked into a smile when he saw Reilly’s face upon entering the kitchen, and then a full bellied laugh moments later. “Sorry, Rei,” he said when he was only chuckling, “been busy. In the same way you have, I think.” He grinned at her before moving around his friend to retrieve a mug.

Green eyes tracked down the hall to the now closed bedroom door before returning to the half-clad man before her. It wasn’t as if Michael had never had women stay over before; she’d seen the residual evidence of his bed partners on a number of occasions. It was obvious this was different though. Emma had seemed a bit embarrassed to be caught undressed, but women who were only there for a night weren’t so casually comfortable in a man’s home. They didn’t make coffee.

The thought reminded her of the brew and with a smirk, Reilly stole the mug from Michael’s hands and moved to fill it from the fresh pot. “So it would seem. You’ve gone and gotten an adult relationship, I think. Does your little Gryffindor have magical powers beyond the norm?”

“If commitment and monogamy are magical, then yes,” Michael said as he grabbed another mug and proceeded to fill up his own mug. No milk, no sugar. “Months now.” His gaze met Reilly’s as he took a long sip. “I may have failed to mention. Like I said. Been busy.” He smirked.

She just blinked at him. Reilly had known that Michael’s feelings for Emma were deeper than for the ‘flavors of the week’ who passed through without much notice. Just the same, she hadn’t known him to have a girlfriend since their Hogwarts days. For her friend, this was a pretty big deal. Before she could respond, the object of conversation bounced back into the room, now fully dressed and put together.

“I’m heading out,” the little blonde said, her arms wrapping around Michael’s waist. “See you tonight?”

“Tonight,” he agreed, hands finding the small of her back on their own as he bent to meet her halfway for the kiss she gave him every morning before she left. Michael hadn’t known he liked off-to-work kisses until Emma.

She bounced out of the flat moments later, and feeling Reilly’s eyes on him, he turned back to meet her gaze. “She made me do it,” he said as explanation to the questions in her eyes. “She was going to leave for good.” Michael shrugged. “I didn’t want that.”

There was a lot he wasn’t saying, but he had never been a man of many words. Of all the people he’d shared this with, Reilly would understand best. Even better than his sister who was still badgering him for the ‘details.’ His mother wasn’t quite as bad, but it was difficult to be around her these days with all the beatific smiling and hints of grandchildren.

Good for her. Reilly couldn’t help but be a little impressed that Emma had not only managed to secure Michael’s affections, but that she’d been willing to walk away if he didn’t act on them. Getting Michael to do anything was a chore at best. The man did everything in his own time - unless there was very strong incentive, it seemed.

“Do you love her?” she asked, genuinely curious.

He didn’t respond immediately, but then gave her a slow nod and took another sip of his coffee.

The smile that bloomed on her face was a rare one for Reilly. She was truly pleased for her friend. She hadn’t been sure when they were younger that either of them would find this kind of love. It was a relief she hadn’t realized she needed that they were both happy and fulfilled. “I’m happy for you, Michael. I suppose I’ll have to break out those threats after all,” she teased. A moment later a different thought occurred to her and her face went slack with a hint of dread. “Dear God, you’re not doing that marriage and family thing are you? I’m not sure I’m ready for that kind of maturity from you.”

Michael pinched his nose as her words recalled his last visit with his mother. “No.” The next look he gave her was that of the long-suffering. “Hasn’t stopped Mum from hinting at children. Babies, Rei.” If he sounded slightly spooked by the prospect, it wasn’t far off the mark. “Don’t want to take Emma back to the manor for a second visit.”

She laughed then. Pressure for grandchildren was such a normal thing for the average person, but it was hard to imagine for Michael. His poor mum had no doubt despaired of having any. Reilly could sympathize to an extent. Her own mother wasn’t going to press for babies, but she knew Blake would eventually need to provide an heir. And Merlin knew Julian loved to laugh at her trying to wrangle his children. “Well, you can’t blame your mother. She only has one son, after all. You shouldn’t deny her the chance to thoroughly freak your girlfriend out, and I’m sure you’ll do fine with children. One day.” She hoped the same could be said for her.

Michael shook himself, and the spook, off, and took a liberal sip of his coffee. “One day. In the distant future.” It wasn’t that he didn’t want children. It was just that Michael hadn’t ever thought much on it. He was generally apathetic about children and had as little to do with them as possible (which was getting progressively more difficult to manage as his friends kept spawning). As for children for himself... well, it just wasn’t something he’d considered until his mother had planted the idea in his head.

He couldn’t say he was completely opposed to the idea, but he definitely wasn’t ready to do more than think about it.

Blue eyes ticked to Reilly and the slight wrinkle in her brow. She was thinking too hard about this herself. “What about you,” he said, “Marriage. Family. Babies?”

It was with a slightly rueful smile that Reilly considered the question. She all but lived with Blake, but they hadn’t discussed a plan for the future. Admitting she wanted any of it was still disconcerting for her and Reilly wasn’t comfortable enough with the idea to start that conversation. “I don’t really do the maternal pining, biological clock-ticking thing. Blake’s title basically requires that his line be continued, but my involvement in that hasn’t really been discussed.”

There was a long time when she would’ve said she didn’t worry over her marital state either, and it wasn’t as if she was actively waiting for a proposal, but she loved Blake and it would be a lie to say the question wasn’t in her mind. “As for the rest, there are no plans. Traditional etiquette dictates that I can’t propose to myself, so I suppose we’ll see if Blake has any intentions of that sort in time.”

Michael just nodded. He didn’t immediately respond as she’d given him much to mull over.

She hadn’t said it outright, but in between the words was longing. Reilly wanted to be with Blake. She wanted to marry the man, and she wanted to be the one who ensured her lover’s heritage was secure. He eyed her speculatively as she sipped her coffee. It was all there in the partial upturn of lips that wasn’t really a smile, the slight shift of her body from left to right that indicated she wasn’t settled, the thread of defeatism in her voice.

She was content, he knew, but not sure. Not sure what her future held, and even though she hadn’t said as much, Michael knew she wanted answers.

When he finally spoke, all he said was, “Do you love him?”

“Yes,” Reilly answered without hesitation. She’d reconciled herself to the emotion some time ago. “He loves me, too. We aren’t the types to declare it at every turn, but I’m sure he does.”

Michael nodded again. That was all he needed to know.

He’d be having a chat with the blond footballer soon. Very soon.

Michael nodded toward the sofa. “I’m going to play awhile. Stay. Finish your coffee.”

Reilly followed him into the living room. It had been a long time since she’d listened to Michael play, even longer since she’d taken up her once usual position while she did. With a feeling of nostalgia, she leaned back against the side of the couch, stretching out her legs until her feet rested in her best friend’s lap. Their lives were changing. Before long she wouldn’t have opportunity to relax with him this way. She’d enjoy it while she could.

Summary: Reilly seeks out her absent best friend and finds him in a committed relationship.

michael, reilly, michael/emma, emma

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