When you find the person you want to spend the rest of your life with

Dec 03, 2011 12:09

Katie threw open the doors to the villa with enthusiasm, grinning at the view that met their eyes. The sight of the Indian Ocean, bright beneath the early December sunshine, was a welcome one -- a grand change after the blustery wind and rain that they’d left behind in England.

“So, ladies, what do you think?” Brown eyes were bright as she glanced behind her at Angie and Heidi.

Angelina threw herself onto a couch too expensive to be abused so and grinned. “If you tell me they have a Quidditch team, I may never leave.”

The brunette crinkled her nose and grinned as Angie gave a dramatic moan. “Sorry, no Quidditch team. You’ll just have to return back to dreary England when it’s time to go.”

“That is the saddest thing I have heard, possibly...in the last hour.” The tall Chaser sprawled out on the couch and considered this hard fact of life for a moment before bobbing up again. “Oh! We could start one! What say you, Kates? I won’t even fight you for the Captaincy. Heidi could manage the team. And we could have a waterslide to enter the pitch. It’s perfect!”

“I am totally okay with that plan. I might never leave anyway,” Heidi added, lifting a flute of bubbling perfection to her lips. “But it would be better if I had a good reason for staying.”

Secretly pleased that Heidi had already broken out the champagne, Katie’s expression grew coy. “Well, you might have to ask someone’s permission if I can stay here with you...”

Angie snorted and made grabby hands at the bubbly. “Don’t tell me the ball and chain isn’t interested in paradise. My opinion of Stewie falters.”

And there was her opening. “Actually,” she said, sliding towards the large cupboard off the sitting room, “the ball and chain is the reason we’re in bloody paradise.” She opened the wide French doors and pulled out her perfectly hidden wedding dress, turning to face her two friends with a mischievous smile.

Jaw dropping, Angelina thanked her lucky stars she hadn’t taken a drink yet. The bottle of champagne in her hand slowly settled on the floor. “That’s a bloody wedding dress,” she said, stating the obvious.

Heidi, who had taken a drink, choked. After a few moments of spluttering and trying not to look like she was drooling alcohol, she set the drink aside and sat up straight. “Are you implying what I think you’re implying, with the white dress and all?”

Eternally thankful that Heidi’s range didn’t span far enough to spew champagne on her dress, Katie nodded. “I know I told you we were having a girl’s weekend... but I lied. Stewart and I are getting married. Tonight.”

Regaining her composure, Angelina jumped off the couch and embraced Katie, mindful of the dress. “You know I have a strict rule against weddings, but I’ll make a one time exception for you. Though don’t think I forgive you the lack of a bachelorette party.”

“And I’m shocked and appalled by the lack of male strippers in here.” She joined the two, making it a group hug. “But since your brought us to paradise to spring this on us, I don’t think I can complain too much.”

Katie closed her eyes and smiled, enjoying the embrace of her two closest friend’s as she steadfastly ignored the prick of tears at her eyes. No bloody tears. “I’ve got something for you, too,” she said when they broke apart. Going back to the closet, she hung her dress up, then withdrew two matching turquoise blue dresses.

“Angie, Heidi, will you be my bridesmaids?”

“I thought you’d never ask,” Heidi clasped a hand to her heart, blinking theatrically at the ceiling. There were real tears, but now wasn’t the time for them.

The bride-to-be rolled her eyes and passed Heidi’s dress off to her. Turning her attention to her oldest friend, she smiled and said, “Angie?”

“Of course,” Angie accepted, eyes sparkling with good humor. “I’ve been a part of all your other questionable life decisions, why not this?”

“I hate you,” Katie replied without venom. “Just for that, no bridesmaid’s gifts for you.”

“As long as I still get a groom’s man.”

“One’s married, but you’re welcome to challenge Reilly for Blake if you feel like a bit of rough and tumble.”

Angelina gave a long-suffering sigh. “The things I do for you, woman.”


“It’s hardly fair of you to look more handsome than the groom,” Cassie told her husband, a twinkle in her blue eyes. “The guests are supposed to be paying attention to Stewart and Katie.”

“I can’t help it,” Stephen said, catching Cassie’s eye in the mirror as he fastened the button on his shirt sleeve. “It just comes natural to me.”

“Well, we wouldn’t want Katie to rethink her choice at the last moment.” She’d been surprised, but pleasantly so, to find out they were actually here for a wedding. She knew Stephen was truly happy for his friends.

Stephen smirked at his wife. “Can I help it if the woman needs an epiphany? She’s about to tie herself to Ackers for the rest of her life. I can’t blame her if alternative choices start looking mighty tempting today.”

Crinkling her nose, the blonde slipped her arms over Stephen’s shoulders, rising on tiptoe as she turned her face up to him. “So long as she doesn’t look in this particular alternative direction.”

“If she does,” he said, glancing down at her as his arm snaked around her waist, “it doesn’t matter. I’m only looking at you.”

“I know.” Stephen wasn’t shy about showing his love. He always made sure she knew what was in his heart.

He ducked his head to drop a kiss to the tip of her nose. “How are you feeling, love? Not too tired? Do you need to have a lie down for a bit before we head down?”

“A nap does sound rather nice actually,” Cassie admitted, glancing toward the plush bed in the center of their room. Being pregnant, knowing she was pregnant was still strange, but now that they’d identified the cause of her recent feeling of being nauseous and run down she’d begun to pay closer attention to what her body was telling her she needed.

They hadn’t told anyone their news yet, and Cassie was enjoying the little secret she shared with her husband. “Would you wake me an hour or so before we need to go?”

“Course I will,” he said. Patting her gently on the arse, he nodded towards the bed. “I’m going to go pester Ackers in his last few hours of bachelorhood. You get some rest.”

She gave him a quick kiss and made her way to the mattress. “Alright. Don’t you go filling his head with horror stories now. I’d hate for Katie to kick your arse for scaring off her intended.”

“If she hasn’t scared him off herself yet, then I’d say she’s good.”


The champagne had seemed like a simple welcoming gesture until she’d spied the card beside it. Plucking it off the table, Reilly scanned it quickly, her dark brows rising at the message it contained. “It seems Stewart and Katie weren’t entirely forthcoming as to the purpose for this holiday,” she said casually, holding the card out to Blake as he turned toward her.

Blue eyes scanned the little note card and Blake’s brows rose. “Seems they weren’t,” he murmured.

He turned it over, but there was nothing else written on the card. He scanned the note again, and frowned. Stewart hadn’t said a thing. The bastard.

Blake understood it was meant to be a surprise, but not from a bloke’s best mate. It wasn’t as if he couldn’t keep his mouth shut; there were still things he hadn’t breathed a word of from their travels after they’d graduated from school. He supposed this was the beginning though. Stewart was marrying Katie, and he should have expected some things to change.

He flicked the card back toward the bottle of champagne. “Remind me this is supposed to be a happy occasion.”

A half-smile played across her face as Reilly crossed to her lover, slipping her arms around his waist. She didn’t know Stewart well yet, but he and Blake had been close a very long time. “Your best mate’s getting married. Yes, it is intended to be a happy occasion. That’s why he wants you at his side.”

Blake shifted to nuzzle his nose into her hair and inhaled as his hands traced from her hips and around her back to pull her closer. “My best mate is a bastard who should have told me,” he said. “But women change things,” he added, speaking against her skin. The warmth of her neck and the soft, fragrant cocoon of her hair made the muscles in his shoulders loosen.

“It’s a happy occasion,” he repeated. And it was. Stewart was marrying the woman he loved. He was still a bastard, but that would never change; the timelessness of it was comforting in its own way.

“Vixens, all of us,” Reilly teased, tilting her head in encouragement. She didn’t know that she’d changed Blake all the much. Perhaps she gave him the opportunity to share bits of himself he hadn’t before. To her mind, his effect on her was more obvious. She smiled more. Laughed. Occasionally she even lounged, for heaven’s sake. And she enjoyed it all.

“Truly,” Blake agreed, a grin curling his lips. “The ruination of all men, some would say,” he added as his hands traced up her back and fingers caught at the zip at the back of the shift dress she’d traveled in.

He pulled it down. “Since we’re to witness Stewart fall first, we should get changed for the ceremony, hmm?” The zip ended at the base of her spine, and he slipped his hands beneath the fabric to splay his hands on her skin. “We’ve only a few hours, after all,” he murmured against her mouth.

“Mm. We’d best get busy if we want to be ready on time.” Flashing a rather vixen-like grin, she toppled them onto the bed. It wouldn’t do to have the best man turn up to the wedding feeling tense.


Oliver had left her to rest a bit before the ceremony while he went off to congratulate their friends and give them a bit of hell for springing something like this on them. She’d managed to doze for half an hour or so before getting up and starting to get herself ready for the day’s big event. Merlin knew it would take her awhile given she was due to give birth practically any day now.

A quick soak in the tub had Romy feeling refreshed and she smiled to herself as she began to pin her long hair in place. Katie and Stewart had danced around each other for ages, stumbled over obstacles in their way, but they’d finally got it right. She was happy for the pair, and rather excited to have another married couple among her friends.

It did mean she’d have to quit teasing Katie about getting Stewart to the alter, but that was alright.

Now she could pester her friend about babies.


It was, in a word, perfect.

Katie couldn’t have asked for a more beautiful setting. The wind blowing in off the sea was soft and warm, pulling at her dress as a wayward curl blew across her cheek. The sand was soft beneath her bare feet, the grain offset by the delicate white orchids the resort staff had scattered down the aisle. With her hands in Stewart’s, their closest loved ones gathered as witnesses, Katie couldn’t remember a happier moment in her entire life.

They’d chosen to write their own vows. It was fitting, really. They didn’t need a fancy ceremony to showcase their love; all they needed was one another. And Stewart’s vows -- he could be romantic when he put his mind to it, and he certainly had for those. It had taken everything she’d had not to cry.

The wedding officiant, a tall islander with a lilting accent, smiled at her and gave a slight nod in her direction. “Katie?”

She took a breath and squeezed Stewart’s hand. “Stewart.” She would not cry, she would not cry, she would not... dammit, there was a tear. Clearing her throat softly, she continued. “Stewart, you’re my best friend, and the love of my life. I take you to be my husband, to share every moment with you as long as I live. I promise to love you, care for you, and not rib you too badly when Puddlemere beats Appleby.”

Her lips twitched at the soft laughter from their guests, curling further when Stewart crinkled his nose in mock disgust at her. “My life was empty until I met you. My heart belongs to you, and it always will. I love you, Stewart Ackerley, and I take you as my husband, my lover, and my best friend -- always and forever.”

Following the officiant's queses, she slid the simple platinum band on Stewart’s left hand, then waited as he did the same with her matching wedding ring. Simple, beautiful. Perfect.

“What God has brought together, let no man tear dem apart. It gives me de great pleasure to pronounce you both man and wife.” With a twinkle in his dark eyes, he said, “Stewart, you may kiss de bride.”

Katie thought her smile was going to break her face as she whispered, “I love you,” twining her arms around Stewart’s neck as his lips found hers. Despite everything, no matter how hard she’d fought against it, she always kept coming back to the tall Keeper with an infuriating smirk and an ego the size of Yorkshire -- Stewart, her love. Her husband.

For always and forever.

SUMMARY: Stewart and Katie surprise their friends with a wedding.

romy, katie, oliver, stewart, stewart/katie, reilly, stephen/cassandra, heidi, angelina, blake, stephen, blake/reilly, oliver/romy

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