Making the decision to have a child - it's momentous

Feb 21, 2011 13:37

Lavender pulled open the door of Anthony’s clinic, grinning as the little bell over the door sounded.

The idea of having a baby had been planted a few months previous, and it had bloomed with alarming speed. She’d been talking it over with her parents, and while they weren’t one hundred percent on board with the idea, they were supportive. Her mother had been the one to suggest an appointment with a healer, to see what she needed to do to prepare her body for pregnancy.


The idea alone made Lavender smile, and she made a beeline for the front desk. “Hiya, Vati. I’ve got an appointment.”

Parvati looked up and smiled. “I can see that, Lav.” She pointed to the daily schedule where in Anthony’s cramped print her friend’s name was scrawled. Then her look turned concerned. “Is everything okay, Lav?”

“Yeah,” she waved off the question, peering into the ledger her name was written in. “Just a checkup. Making sure everything is in working order.”

The Indian woman nodded and stood, giving her blond friend a long, lingering look. “I’ll let Anthony know you’re here, okay? Take a seat and hopefully he won’t be long.”

Hurrying out of the room, Parvati popped into Anthony’s office. “Lavender Brown is here,” she announced, not evening bothering to knock. The healer hadn’t had an appointment for the past ninety minutes, it was unlikely he was still talking to a patient. “I’ll show her up to Exam Room One, if you’d like.”

The healer looked up, pushing his glasses up his nose. “Yes, please. We don’t have a file on her, do we?”

Parvati shook her head no. “She said its just a checkup,” she added, not so helpfully. She wanted to double check and make sure nothing was truly wrong, as it was Anthony who took the appointment, but she knew how the healer felt about about healer-patient privilege.

“Mkay,” he said absently as he pulled out a blank patient file. Anthony carefully block printed out LAVENDER BROWN at the top.

Smiling slightly, the woman turned on her heel with a small shake of her head. She returned to the reception area. “Lav, I’m here to lead you to your doom, er, I mean Exam Room One.” She grinned cheerfully at her blond.

“Ooh, my doom? Should I be worried?” Lav replied, hooking her arm through Parvati’s. “You haven’t secretly switched out the healer with something big and terrifying, have you?”

But since the building was small, and her friend was usually trustworthy, Lavender wasn’t too concerned. As soon as they reached the exam room, she gave her friend a cheerful wave and turned to the room’s other occupant. “Hullo. You’re Anthony, right? Or, Healer Goldstein, if you’d prefer. I think we’ve met.”

“Anthony’s fine.” He stood and held out his hand to shake hers. “Why don’t you take a seat and we can talk about why you’re here. Parvati said it was just a checkup?” He looked at her for confirmation.

“Well, kind of,” she took and deep breath and clasped her hands together, “I’m going to have a baby.”

There was that smile again, but she couldn’t help it. She loved the idea of having a little baby to love. A tiny little person that would be hers to hold and cuddle forever and ever.

“So a prenatal checkup,” Anthony confirmed, tapping his pen against the clipboard. Muggle pens were such useful things. A lot less was smudged words. “And what is your due date?”

“Oh, no. I guess I should have but that a different way. I want to have a baby, but I’m not pregnant yet.” What she wanted was to make sure that when she did find the right person - or donor - that it would be easy and that she wouldn’t have any problems during the pregnancy.

The man nodded slowly. “So you just want to make sure your healthy for when you decide to conceive.”

“That’s it exactly.” She smoothed out her skirt and smiled at him. “I’m doing this alone, so I don’t want any unpleasant surprises.”

“Well,” he grinned at her, “we’ll try not to give you any unpleasant surprises. Now, there’s a dressing gown on the exam table. I’ll just step out and let you change. Okay?” Standing, Anthony took his leave.

The exam was quick and painless, and Lavender couldn’t say she was disappointed that it was over. She’d never enjoyed healer’s appointments, no matter what they were for. But instead of dashing out like she normally would have, she dressed and she sat. “So, do I pass?”

“A little underweight but everything appears to be in working order.” Anthony grinned as he handed her a list of items he had scratched out while he had been waiting for her to first undress then redress. “This is a list of items and supplements you’ll want to take to better your chances at conceiving a healthy child.”

Lavender scanned the list, a small frown between her brows. It was a long list, with a lot of long, scary words on it. Words that she didn’t think she could pronounce. “So, I should start taking these now?”

Anthony scooted forward, pointing out the items in which he had starred. “These are the most important. Most of them are vitamins and dietary supplements. Folic Acid and the like.”

She nodded, reading over the list once more. “But aside from the weight thing and the vitamins, everything else is good?”

“Everything is fine.” Anthony smiled at her. “Well, Ms. Brown, I wish you the best of luck in conceiving.”

“Thank you, Anthony.” She slid down from the exam table and beamed at him. “I’m going to go tell Parvati she’s going to be an auntie soon.”

Summary: Lav goes for a checkup.

lavender, anthony, pink sheep rpg, parvati

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