Could it be I'm suffering because I'll never give in?

Jan 19, 2011 00:26

Category: Pink Sheep RPG

It was snowing.

Katie didn't like the snow. She had liked the snow, once, when she'd been a little girl. She would bundle up in her winter clothes and traipse outside with her dad and Jonathan-and later, when he was old enough, Lucas-to make snow angels and snow forts. Her father would charm snowballs to pelt the children, and they would make their own-by hand, because they were resourceful like that-and attack him in return.

It had been snowing the day Jackson Bell had died in a lab explosion.

She had been ten years old, ready to start Hogwarts in the autumn. She'd never forget the way the house felt, eerily silent save for her mother's keening cries. Jonathan had come home from school, and the three of them had comforted each other as best they could. There was no way they could have known what the future would hold or seen the increasing depression that took hold of their mother.

There had been some days when Elaine Bell refused to get out of bed at all, leaving the children to be taken care of by the house elves. In some ways, Kono-Lucas' nanny elf-became more of a mother to her little brother than their actual mother. Katie had hated leaving him alone in Belvoir with naught but the house elves for company, but the selfish part of her couldn't wait to escape the dreary existence of her home life.

All in all, snow reminded her of that day. It wasn't a pleasant memory.

But now, watching the snow fall outside Stewart's house, she was peaceful. A blanket she'd snagged from the foot of the bed was wrapped around her bare body, and the room was quiet-aside from Stewart's occasional snores.

Glancing back towards the figure in the bed, a soft smile touched her lips. They had been together for a while now, though she wasn’t sure how to classify when "together" started. He'd kissed her over a year and a half ago, they'd been sleeping together for nearly a year, and they had officially become a couple in June. By any definition, they had been together for a good bit of time.

Despite his seemingly superhuman ability to set her off, she liked being with him. He made her laugh, and she looked forward to the end of the day when training was over. Very few nights passed by when she didn't spend the night at his house or vice versa.

His kisses made her happy. His arms around her made her feel safe. He called her beautiful, and he actually meant it. There was more there than just like.

Katie was falling in love with him.

And that scared her more than anything. Turning her gaze back to the falling snow outside, she took a deep breath. One hand reached up to wipe away a surprise tear; when had she started crying?

They didn't talk about their relationship, and that was okay with Katie-except now, when she desperately wanted to know how he felt. They weren't overly demonstrative, especially in public. How could they be, when every time they were in public, the paparazzi were trailing after them like dogs? Katie had been tabloid fodder for enough time to know that the last thing she wanted was speculation on whether or not she was pregnant with Stewart's secret love child.

But all the same… she wanted to know how he felt.

There was a niggling little voice in her head (it sounded suspiciously like Romy) that said, "Then why don't you, I don't know, ask him?"

Katie ignored it. She couldn't just out and ask him if he was in love with her. Already, she could just imagine the conversation over dinner. "Do you love me? No. Oh. Could you pass the salt?"

She'd been in love before. She wasn't the type of girl whose love burnt out quickly, the kind that loved every man they were with. When Katie loved, she loved hard and for a long time. In her twenty-eight years, she'd only been in love twice: Lee and Marshall.

Her relationship with Lee had simply fizzled out after Hogwarts. Aside from one night following the Final Battle, they had just lost the spark between them. He would always be a dear friend to her, but she had no more romantic inclinations towards him than she did towards Oliver.

And Marshall… had shown her how terribly she could hurt when love turned bad.

She didn't want to compare this time to last time. Aside from playing the same position on the pitch, Stewart and Marshall were nothingalike. Sure, when they'd first met, she'd thought Stewart a playboy and flirt-which he had been. But since they'd been together, he hadn't strayed from her.

That was more than she could say for her darling ex.

The idea of loving Stewart scared her. He was young, barely in his mid-twenties. They were at different stages in their lives, and what if he didn't want to be with her for the long term? What if she was just someone to have fun with for now? It wouldn't be very surprising; men his age weren't usually rearing to settle down.

Behind her, Stewart rolled over in the bed, flinging one arm out over her vacated space. Katie couldn't help but smile; he looked so peaceful when he slept. No sarcastic remarks, smirks, or quips against Puddlemere. She was quite fond of him this way.

Letting the blanket fall from her shoulders, she crossed from the window and lifted his arm, slipping back into bed. Without waking, he slid his arm down to her waist, pulling her tight against him.

Ducking her head, Katie pressed a kiss to his bare shoulder and whispered, "I love you," against his skin.
Stewart, unsurprisingly, didn't respond.

Lips curled upwards in a soft, sad smile, she let her eyes slide shut and sleep claim her again.

Summary: Katie comes to a realization.

katie, pink sheep rpg

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