'Lis!Fic-Ten Ten-Word Ficlets for Eight People (1/1)

Mar 25, 2009 19:58

Category: Harry Potter Fic/Pink Sheep AU

Title: Ten Ten-Word Ficlets for Eight People
Author: Elisabeth (pyrobear)
Characters: Ellie Branstone, Aubrey van Andel, Bill Weasley, Euan Abercrombie (CO) & Parvati Patil, Bill Weasley, Jake Summers, Justin Finch-Fletchy (PS) & a smattering of others.
Rating: Any Age, except for the "smuts" bits, hard PG-13.
Summary: A bit of insight into my characters, for me and for you.
Author's Note: You do not need to be familiar with the game to understand the players. There are summaries explaining.


01.Angst: She put the photographs away, but could not burn them.
(After Owen and Ellie's fight)

02. Alternate Universe: Father didn't care. Eleanor McNair's eyes flashed. Damned mudblood slut.
(If Ellie had been raised by her biological father)

03. Crack!Fic: Sneaking past security, Ellie found the target: the Hope Diamond.
(Jewel theif!Ellie)

04. Crossover: "Good morning, Baltimore!" Ellie cried, arms outstretched. Link grinned widely.
(Ellie and Link, Hairspray)

05. First Time: Paul? Gentle. She wasn't too fussed. Ellie loved him. Maybe.
(Ellie and her first, in Prague)

06. Fluff: Giggling softly, Ellie stuck the note in between the book's pages.
(Silly stuff Ellie did while at Hogwarts)

07. Humor: "Purple polka dots; orange kangaroos..." Ellie rolled over, fast asleep.
(Ellie talks in her sleep)

08. Hurt/Comfort: They didn't speak about their grief, but that was enough.
(Owen and Ellie after her parents' deaths)

09. Smut: Fine. Not love, but lust. Especially when he did that.
(How Ellie got her grove back)

10. Unresolved Sexual Tension: ...and hands roamed... Ellie put her quill down, blushing heavily.
(Even writers get hot under the collar)


01. Angst: She was the widow, but couldn't bring herself to cry.
(During Christian's funeral)

02. Alternate Universe: Narrowed eyes, quaffle in hand, she'd win the World Cup.
(If Aubrey had stayed in England)

03. Crack!Fic: She pressed a kiss to McNair's palm. "Take me. Please."
(Aubrey and Walden McNair, moving right along)

04. Crossover: Aubrey smiled at Peter. "Thank you for staying with him."
(Aubrey and Nurse!Peter,Heroes)

05. First Time: Dressed in white and a blushing bride on her wedding night.
(When Aubrey lost her virginity)

06. Fluff: "Mum!" Dominic was all grown up, but still Aubrey's baby.
(Aubrey and her eldest all grown up)

07. Humor: "We had sex here." Cho gasped in horror. Aubrey's eyes danced.
(Aubrey isn't very nice to her best friend)

08. Hurt/Comfort: "Stay? Please?" She just needed to listen to Remus' heartbeat.
(Aubrey and Remus, after she returned home)

09. Smut: "Don't hold back." "What?" "Please," she begged, crazy from want.
(Aubrey and Remus, she loves all sides of him)

10. Unresolved Sexual Tension: Taste, touch, breathe Remus. But it was only a dream.
(Hormones are a bitch)


01. Angst: She cried; he vowed to rip the boy's heart out.
(Bill doesn't like it when his Gabby cries)

02. Alternate Universe: His six siblings gathered as Fabian blew out the candles.
(If all Weasleys had survived the war)

03. Crack!Fic: Bill smirked as he cut the child down before moving on.
(Death Eater!Bill)

04. Crossover: Xander grinned. "Wills, he could be your long lost cousin!"
(Bill and Xander & Willow, Buffy, long lost relations?)

05. First Time: "Bill? I am pregnant." He smiled. He was a Daddy.
(When Bill first found out about the possibility of Fabian)

06. Fluff: "Hello, little one," he murmured to Fleur's heavily pregnant belly.
(Bill loves his children, even before their born)

07. Humor: "Where do babies come from?" "A-a-ask your mother," he stuttered.
(Bill takes the easy questions, like explaining the theory of relativity)

08. Hurt/Comfort: That first year, his wife held him as he cried.
(Aftermath of the first anniversary of the Final Battle)

09. Smut: Nails scraped his skin as he pressed into her core.

10. Unresolved Sexual Tension: He needed her. Eight months pregnant, Fleur didn't feel it.
(Bill's feeling frustrated)


01. Angst: At five, he decided Mum's indifference hurt more than anything.
(Euan's worst memory)

02. Alternate Universe: He looked at his siblings. "Lets surprise Mum and Dad!"
(If he had the happy life he dreamed about)

03. Crack!Fic: They needed a distraction, now. Deep breath; Euan dropped trou.
(Euan flashes people)

04. Crossover: "Are you like me? A hero?" He shook his head. "But I'll help."
(Euan and Claire Bennett, Heroes, he helps her.)

05. First Time: Pop's hands steadied as he rose, before promptly falling off.
(Euan's first time on a broom, with his grandfather by his side)

06. Fluff: He tossed the ball, grinning as Maggie chased after it.
(A boy and his dog)

07. Humor: "Is this the part where I flash them?" Romy smirked.
(Euan with his auror mentor, Romilda Vane)

08. Hurt/Comfort: "She left." Euan nodded and helped his father to bed.
(His mother left a messy trail behind her)

09. Smut: Quick, messy, unsatisfying. But he was a man now, sorta.
(Euan's no longer a virgin)

10. Unresolved Sexual Tension: She giggled. Euan wouldn't think of her in that way.
(Euan and Rose Zeller, they're just friends....really)


01. Angst: She stayed in bed for days after, wondering why her.
(After she broke up with Michael, but was still pregnant)

02. Alternate Universe: "Lavender!" Her body shook with sorrow. "Wake up! Come back."
(How the Final Battle could have ended)

03. Crack!Fic: "Is the spandex supposed to be this binding?" "Hell yes."
(Parvati and a random fanboy)

04. Crossover:"Ms. Patil, is Dr. Gallant here?" Olivia Benson asked simply.
(Parvati and Olivia Benson, Law and Order: SVU (and kinda ER too))

05. First Time: Coltish arms and legs. Empty classroom. It was comfort, not love.
(Parvati and Ernie Macmillian, their first time admist the crazy)

06. Fluff: She and Kiran cuddled on the bed. "Once upon a time..."
(Parvati and her son have bedtime stories)

07. Humor: She watched through lidded eyes. He was perfect, but gay.
(Parvati about her friend Henri)

08. Hurt/Comfort: "I'm sorry." "Don't be." The sisters embraced, sins forgiven.
(Parvati and Padma, sisters don't need to apologize)

09. Smut: Drinking. Body shots. Clothes on the floor. Them in bed.
(Parvati and Stephen Cornfoot, one way for it to turn out)

10. Unresolved Sexual Tension: She pushed away the need, wasn't right, not for Kiran.
(Parvati gives up her own wants for those of her son)


01. Angst: Tattoos made him remember and let go of the pain.
(How Bill reconciles death of loved ones)

02. Alternate Universe: Full moons dreadful. Wolfsbane expensive. Fleur stayed, though she deserved more.

03. Crack!Fic: "Miss Mandy, could you bring me the Cramer file?" Bill smirked.
(Bill and Mandy Brocklehurst, only crack because Fleur would kill him)

04. Crossover: Rick O'Connell glowered "You're either stupid or crazy. Or both."
(Bill and Rick O'Connell, The Mummy, from one bad ass to another)

05. First Time: Claire giggled as she took shaky steps towards her Daddy.
(Bill and his eldest, Clair)

06. Fluff: The infant curled into his chest as Bill snored away.
(Bill and one of his children)

07. Humor: "Oh, Mr. Sparkle Sunshine, aren't you the cutest puppy ever."
(Bill and his dog)

08. Hurt/Comfort: He held her as she cried, his heart breaking too.
(Bill and Fleur, at the loss of their first)

09. Smut: Kisses. Bites. Sensation. He felt until he couldn't feel anymore.

10. Unresolved Sexual Tension: The wedding lasted longer than it should. Bill was aching.
(Bill really didn't want to wait to make love to his wife)


01. Angst: There was one less bed that year. Jake stayed away.
(Returning to school after Cedric)

02. Alternate Universe: "And Diggory takes the snitch! England wins!" Jake announced.
(If Cedric had stayed alive, he would be in quidditch an Jake would be on the Wireless)

03. Crack!Fic: "Oh, Professor Umbridge!" Jake grabbed her. "Take me with you!"
(Jake and Delores Umbridge)

04. Crossover: He eyed Grissom. "I don't know anything," Jake lied easily.
(Jake and Gil Grissom, CSI)

05. First Time: He held Samantha, amazed. Wasn't he was going break her?
(Jake meets his sister for the first time)

06. Fluff: Wearing a princess crown. The things he did for Sammy.
(Jake is very indulgent)

07. Humor: Smith dared him. But the Toad... He needed to bathe.
(An explaination for the Crack)

08. Hurt/Comfort: Little Sammy snuggled up to him, pattting his face. "Don't cry."
(Little Sister comforts Big Brother)

09. Smut: Breathy little moans. Jake licked his way to her completion.
(Jake always gets his way)

10. Unresolved Sexual Tension: Jake remained quiet. They wanted each other. But she wanted him
(Jake and Mandy Brocklehurst, and the man inbetween)


01. Angst: Immobilized. Dark. A nightmare. Trapped. In his own mind or...?
(Justin hates to be trapped)

02. Alternate Universe: Justin bowed perfectly, pressing a kiss to the Princess' hand.
(If Justin had gone to Eton)

03. Crack!Fic: He giggled like a school girl and straightend his wig.
(Justin in drag!)

04. Crossover: "Probie!" It took everything Justin had not to hex Tony.
(Justin and Anthony DiNozzo, NCIS, because I had to)

05. First Time: He held his wand. Waved it. Magic finally felt real.
(When Justin first felt a wizard)

06. Fluff: He rose and cheered as Will scored the winning goal.
(Justin supports his little brother)

07. Humor: "Master Finchy needing anything?" "Finchy?" Natalie's eyes glinted. "Shut up."
(Justin, his elf Kandy, and Natalie McDonald, his auroring partner)

08. Hurt/Comfort: Hannah sat down, as ordered, as Justin helped her pack.
(Justin helps Hannah after news of her mother's death)

09. Smut: Forgetting everything else, he let go, into waves of oblivion.
(Justin orgasms)

10. Unresolved Sexual Tension: He pushed those thoughts away. They were not gentlemanly enough.
(Justin can't escape his upbrining)

bill, jake, justin, elisabeth's fic, pink sheep au, parvati

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