The Vive Legacy ; Generation Two - Chapter Three

Sep 25, 2010 17:27

Generation Two - Chapter Three (2.3)

This chapter has really been a struggle for me to get out, I don't know why.

Next update will be about the spares (Jewel, Rebeka and Charmaine.)
A house tour will be soon, I'm just trying to finish it up. :)

Stephan: So you're sure this cake isn't toxic?

Jaclyn: Why do you keep asking me?

Stephan: *cough* Because you're evil, and this is your birthday cake after all. *cough*

Dani: Tell Grandma your favorite person in the world.

Thomas: Gwandma.


Jaclyn: Alright, I'm peacin' out. Bye Grandma.

Dani: Oh God, it's her first day of school. Those kids will corrupt her.

You mean make her more evil than she already is? I don't think that's possible.

Thomas: Bottoms up!

Ah ha! Look who's finally pregnant! What a surprise!

or is it?

Heheheh. Yeah...that's Jewel's BOYfriend.


YES! More boys for the Vive family. :3


I'm not quite sure how to say his name?

So far he looks a lot like Jewel.

He has Jewel's eye color and, blond hair that I'm not sure where it came from?

More about him next update! :)

Aww look, he's having such a good time.

Oh...never mind, I take that back.

Faith: The baby *huff* is *huff* coming!

Stephan: Holy golden jellyfishes!

Thomas: Peg box <3

Dani: *sits behind Faith*

Dani: *Phone starts to ring.*

Faith: Mom!

Dani: Ack! Listen I can't talk right now. I'll call you back later.

So I forgot to take a picture of her as soon as she was born.

But here she is, her name is Mae Vive.

She rolled Loves the Outdoors and Artistic.

Jaclyn: Hello favorite brother.

Jaclyn: I think you have something that belongs to me.

Thomas: *reaches*

Jaclyn: Just as I suspected! *pokes eye out and stabs face*

Thomas: :O

Thomas: *cries*

Jaclyn: I refuse to even look at him. To give him the attention he is so desperately seeking is not apart of my nature. I must now flee from the scene.

Thomas: :<

Faith's birthday to become an adult.

Jaclyn: Can we hurry this up.

She grew up with Dani's weird lip wrinkles, beautiful nonetheless.

Jaclyn&Dani: *intense gaming*

Thomas: Excuse me, gotta go potty.


These two are seriously best friends, and they're bad news together.

Jaclyn: Wow Grandma, your evil ways make me quite happy.

Dani: I've learned a few things from watching so many movies over the years.


Thomas: *Rage on Ken*

Thomas' birthday! <3

Did I even write that down right, is Rockabilly real?

Whatevzz. (;

He rolled Grumpy.

I think he looks a lot like Faith.

It's Mae's birthday as well!

An, no I didn't forget, there's just SO MUCH cake in the refrigerator! D<

Awh! She has Stephan's hair color and eye color. <3

Thomas: So...yeah dad, I was cleaning up the plates...

Thomas: An then I don't know what happened.


That's it for this chapter! Thanks for reading!

legacy, generation two, sims 3

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