Stress sucks.

Dec 19, 2004 14:48

Last night I got all ready to go out...and then I got all un-ready. And then a random phone call gives me a ride to a I got all ready again...and went to a party. I got to hang out with Brandy..and Angela and Sam Russo. The party wasn't the best, partly cause I felt out of place with all the girls that got all dressed up- while I just rolled out of bed and pretty much went. But Brandy made for old times and we met a girl that knew Stephen from Laguna Beach. Then, we ended up leaving to go get picked up by David across the street at a Quick Stop...we saw Brandy Walls (Chelseas Best friend and Brads sister)...I think she is pretty much going to be my new best friend- she is really nice, even though we hated each other for the longest time...over Michael. But then we became friends..when we realized that it was cool that we both hooked up with Michael and his cousin. Imagine- becoming friends with someone you hated over being promiscuous. Cool...sorta not..but sorta.
It wasn't even that fun of a night...but I realized how much I miss going out.
I miss it so bad.
We didnt even drink or anythind and Brandy and I had a blast.
It was seriously like one of the nights this summer all over again.

Today I was supposed to work out and then go hang out with Brandy...neither happened even though I still want to really bad. I have to go to a play this evening at Soquel with Kaila and her mom. Actually I am really excited. Hopefully I end up at Brandys tonight tho...its Winter Break now...sorta like summer. I mean...well, now we can go out like in summer.
well anyways i gotta go get rady for tonight and see if kaila wants to go workout.
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