Sep 22, 2004 23:22
Life is intriging to say the least. Everyday is a learning experience full of events that make me grow.
I came to a realization of something tonight while on the phone with Ericka....I am going to marry a man named Mike! It seems I have always associated myself with Michael's and have dated them or wanted to date them or was best friends with them. SO yes...I will marry a Mike.
Who have the Mike's been in my life...let me name a few:
Mike Darsch (old best friend)
Mike Repetti (middle school/early HS boyfriend)
Mike DeStefano (Prom date)
Michael Bertucci (love of my life...will marry!!!! ;-) Friend of the family)
Mike Cinkala (College crush)
Dr. Mike (Biochem II professor...crush)
Michael Kite (Vice Principal where I taught...crush)
Mike Wood (current rugby crush)
Hahaha!!! I just need to laugh about that! SO yea....I think there is a pattern. There are much more than that....but those are the ones that stick out in my mind that influenced my love of Mikes!
Anyway...Im taking my time off from people for the nest week or so. Got so much work for school, its the only thing I can focus on. Soo many tests coming up...speaking of tests...I got an A on my first Biochem test!!! Go me!!! Not so sure how I did on the Molecular Microbiology test I took on Tuesday though....we shall see in a week. I have an Immunobiology test on Monday and another BicMic Test on Friday. Gonna kick my butt!!!! So I will be one studying girl!!!
Anyway...Im doing better. Finally straightening things out or making decisions about what i need to do...not the easiest things...but Im doing it.
Im just associating myself with thise people that make me feel good about myself and I do the same in return...those people I dont have to put a front on for or pretend to be someone else around....
I had a great talk with Ericka tonight...she made me feel good. I also went out to dinner with Shannon and got to talk to her...good times. SLowly things are working out! I will be happy again!!!! :-)