Sep 28, 2004 18:20
finishing the update from earlier like my subject says lol. ok well my weekend went as follows:
friday: went to peabody high vs fenwick volleyball game. got there @ 505 left by 530 grrrr they were slaughtered. they pretty much gave up after the 1st game they lost. i bet if they tried harder they'd win, or @ least come close to it...but then there was nothing to do so my dad and i drove around 4 a bit through peabody and danvers and the prep area. yeah and i missed about 4 stop signs so my dad was like "BREAK!!!" and iw as like like "WHAT??????" lol and that was WITH my glasses on lolz. but then going into stop and shop where gary works was kinda sketchy...dont know y...but it was. moving on...
saturday: slept late and my mom ran up the stairs @ 11 yelling "u have to be ready for work @ 12!!!" and i was like "i work at 3 mom..." "oh,*silient pause*well get up anyways." grrr so i called gary and we chatted and what he said made me happy but it wasn't about me so i wont say it :P then we went out to eat i think and then i had work 3-6. no1 can ever do anything because they're working to make money to go out w/ their friends but they work all the time so they never get to go use the money they make. eyah a lil weird. neways...i dont remember what i did that nite tho...moving on out...
sunday: work 7AM-12 so that was hell rite there. no1 is in for employees until like 10AM but there was backup b4 then so i was like maniac ringing and bagging. thats y i almost envy ppl who work in big grocery stores, u ahve a bagger to do the bagging while u ring up everything. it ould make my life easier to have a bagger. *pouts* neways. i almost got eaten by a spider in the morning while i was sorting the gigantic newspapers...those old men better like their comics and sutomobile sections bc those took a while to then i call back up like all morning after 10 and NO1 comes to help me until i call like 4 times and then its the manager. gagh i go up 4 EVERY backup call i hear. if i dont hear it i obviously dont go up . so got out at 12 then got bagels and almost got hit getting into the parking lot bc there was a big ass bump that i didnt see and panicked and atruck almost hit me :'( my dad was a lil upset but got over it fast. so then i took like 2.5 hours to clean my room so that uncle jack could come upstairs for like 2 minutes lookin at it. yeah the georgians came. i lvoe having them but i didnt like working early...meh. then i think i went out drivin that nite...not sure tho. but then i tried to study for my big us history test...but i fell asleep every time i tried to study. so not much got done that ntie...
monday: monday monday *breaks into song* yeah ok monday morning i wake up and am WICKED nervous about this history test (yeah the wicked theme and then using the word WICKED haha i'm so good) so i'm trying to read it on the bus but that doesn't work bc i wont want to lol bc i chat w/ mary v in the morning on the bus. i hear all about her double date w/ her, billy, marie, and D which is interesting lol but then in chorale, i studied for history because i learn music the 1st time i hear it bc of band :) oh yeah so it WAS worth taking (besides getting to be w/ gary a ton lol ;P) so then english we hadda read a fav poem so i read "fire and ice" by frost which mrs wall liked bc it was strong (not like the paper she just passed day tho) i wont write the poem here but if y'all are interested its Fire and ice by Frost. its good. so then i had lunch and ssat w/ britt, mary v, christine, marie and katie b studying 4 history like mad. kristen hadda read it during cormier's class bc she didnt read chapter 2 or something lol. i <3 kristen lol. so we were cramming like crazy. but i was the most worried bc i have never taken a mr k test and they all have grrr. so during spanish, a lot of us were on edge, specially me and kristen. so i finished cormier hw while she was talking so i could read more b4 the next period. i wish it was earlier in the day so that i wouldn't have been so upset all day. i txt gary telling him i'll need counseling 2nite lol he said he'd try but he couldnt :"( its ok tho. he's a busy guy so i can't really ask for much of him lately. so then the period comes. but it turned out to be ok. somethings i didnt know but i BSed it enough so he could maybe give me something lol. so that was a relief then we had math where lowell gave out like 5 different quizzes duh it seems as if he has no life bc he has time to make up 5 quizzes 4 us. so its was ok but i dont know how i did bc the last quiz i thought i aced but i got an 81 which was ok but not the 100 i was lookin 4. even suzy got a 77 and i was like "i did better than suzy?" and then mary was like "i got a 79" and i was like "i did better than mary?" wow lol but watever. so i got home, laid down and then watched road rules finale @ 10 nd then fell asleep to a meditation CD.
today: had religion which was easy and then free where i went to the caf w/ kristen, amanda k, courtney, bridgid, and tyff and we ate bagles and drank hot chocolate. i didnt know we had hot chocolate :) yum :-p it even had lil marshmellows lol it was good. so i did some HW then went to chorale. mr joens wasn't here so i did more religion than is due 2morrow so i'm a lil ahead of the game. then i went to 2nd lunch w steph and ashley h. we talked about the spanish test and how i didnt study but i usually dont 4 spanish. then i went back 2 chorale where i made up a lie 2 go to the library to update this but by mistake after typing up to like monday i hit delete bc i'm not used to the closeness of it on a laptop so it all got ereased and i didnt think i had time to finish the entry again so im updating it now. then i stayed for the volleyball game bc we so killed marion which was awesome but tinti put in every player 2day cept suzy which pissed me off so much. so then i came home, ate then went out 2 get hilary duff's new cd. but my dad was being an ass 2nite so he gave me a severe headache which almost resulted in an accident. grrr he maeks me so mad. so then as we're driving to newbery to get the CD and i tell him we should go 2 friendly's bc its rite there and i can get an oreo freeze bc i really haven't had ice cream this week. or even the last half of last week. so he says "ur mother doesn't liek friendly's (bc we're getting her a sundae) and u dont need ice cream rite now but if u really want it go ahead" which basically means ur fat so dont eat gagh. made me even angrier @ him. so just to defy him, i got a slush and went to CVS to get lil candy bc i wanted em. grah. well thats enough 4 2day lol i'll update in free maybe :) nite