HK magazine, where I started my apartment search today, contains this uncannily accurate horoscope from the week I arrived in Hong Kong:
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Ideally, you wouldn’t even be reading this. You’d be white-water rafting along the Franklin River in Tasmania, or riding on “the train at the end of the world” in Tierra del Fuego, or observing Golden Bamboo lemurs in the rainforest of southeastern Madagascar. Ideally, Sagittarius, you’d be far away from any newspaper that carries my column. In fact, you’d be out of touch with all media, period. But since you are reading this, you must not be doing the ideal thing. So please do the next best thing: Flee as far as possible from your usual haunts, your habitual influences, and your customary comforts.
Fortunately, I'm following this advice, given how incredibly unplanned this whole Hong Kong thing was and how well things have been working out despite it all. I mean, I booked the first week's accommodation for this cross-continental move the day before I flew out -- which is still not as bad as the time Paci and I arrived in San Francisco without any lodging whatsoever, and had to run around checking every cafe and sketchy parking lot for free wireless so we could book a hostel.
So I think this is a pretty accurate illustration of my life right now: