Mar 06, 2005 21:42
whoa havent updated in a while..
friday i went to jenna`s suprise party. she was so happy. that made me so happy. i love her soooo much. everyone who was there i love also. yeah and i think like 5 people took pics of my boobs. hmm that was fun.. and me and josh arent fighting anymore. this is good. oh yeah. lindsey: EWWWWW. wayy to funny
then i slept over lindseys with jess. i love them <333 haha those chcolate milkshakes were yummy mhmmm..why would i hang out with him tomorrow i just saw him tonight! hahah good times =)
saturday i went to tim`s house. we went down to the lake and went on the ice and just sat on a bench togther for like 2 hours. it was really sweet =) tim is the best <33
that night i slept over marissas (in croton) with cate!!! wow sooooo much fun eating tons of food AND PIXIE STICKS! 17! WOOOOO! lmao we were friggen HYPER! then going out at 11 to the "the a&p to get ice cream" when we really went all the way to the jv bowling alley hahaha jimmy and cate in the car hmmmm...yeah and we chilled today too watching a friggen scary movie with katy and jimmy over..and eating more of course! oh and we made a dance to baby got back. it was hottttt. ahh marissa i missed you so much i love u like crazy..and cate ur awesome i love u too =) oh u guys want food? how bout some mini wheats? ;)
thats my update. hope u all enjoyed =)