Dec 02, 2004 20:20
Ahh I just asked Donald to the semi but I didn't get his IM back I am nervous... Mara8719: heey want to go to the semi with me I wasn't going to go but my mom is forcing me haha ...ahhh its flashing he answered I am scared to look... here goes nothing
Magoo15316: LoL when is it
Mara8719: no clue
Magoo15316: haha
Magoo15316: im not a dancer
Magoo15316: really
Magoo15316: but ill go
Magoo15316: if u want
Mara8719: if you want haha
Mara8719: you dont have to
Magoo15316: lol na ill go =p
Mara8719: are you suure?
Magoo15316: posotive =p
Magoo15316: why would i say no lol
Mara8719: I dont kno maybe you wouldnt want to go
Magoo15316: maybe i do ? =p
Mara8719: okaay haha
Ladies and gentleman I am officially going to the semi