(no subject)

Nov 21, 2004 21:43

Name: kara
Single or taken: single
Sex: female
Birthday: december 31
Siblings: no unless my cat counts lol
Hair color: light brown
Eye color: green but i think they may be hazel because they change colors
Height: 5'3'' i know i'm short

• R E L A T I O N S H I P S •

Got a boyfriend/girlfriend?: no, i doubt i will ever lol
love/lust/like?: love

• F A S H I O N | S T U F F •

what is ur fave place to shop: he mall. i can't pick one place
Any tattoos or piercings: my ears are pierced

• SPE C I F I C S •

Do you do drugs?: nope i don't need to, you know unless it's aspirin
What kind of shampoo do you use?: um a kind made for permed hair i don't know the name
What are you most scared of?: SPIDERS! THEY ARE THE DEVIL!
What are you listening to right now? Journey// Separate ways(worlds apart)
Who is the last person that called you?: Ami
Where do you want to get married?: on the beach or in a big church
What would you change about yourself?: everything

• F A V O R I T E S •

Color: pink
Food: anything my dad makes. he is an awesome cook. omg!
Boys names: nicholas, jeremy
Girls names: audrey, kathryn
Subjects in school: drama and music
Animals: kitties and doggies

• H A V E | Y O U | E V E R •

Given anyone a bath?: yeah my cat. that is not fun
Smoked?: nope again don't need to
Bungee jumped?: um no. i'm afraid of heights
Made yourself throw up? nope
Skinny dipped?: no, i have all these cute bathing suits why waste them....and scare everyone lol
Ever been in love?: nope :-(
Pictured your crush naked?: no
Actually seen your crush naked?: no
Cried when someone died?: yes
Lied: i think everyone has at one point in time
Fallen for your best friend?: nope, falling hurts lol
Been rejected?: yes and it sucked
Rejected someone?: yes but i felt really really bad
Used someone?: not that i know of. that sucks

• C U R R E N T •

Clothes: pjs
Annoyance: myself
Smell: dinner, we already ate but the house still smells good
Desktop picture: a tropical one with pretty blue water and a boat
Book you're reading: shopaholic takes manhattan
CD in player: ashlee(in my bed room) journey in the loft

• L A S T | P E R S O N •

You touched: um i think my dad when i hit his arm. he was being a butt lol
You hugged: my dad
You imed: juan
You yelled at: my mom

• A R E | Y O U •

Understanding: sure
Open-minded: yes
Arrogant: i hope not
Insecure: sadly yes
Random: very
Hungry: nope just ate dinner
Smart: yes but it's a matter of doing the work
Moody: very
Hard working: when i need to be
Organized: um i try to be
Healthy: i try to be, but french fries are just so good!
Shy: very, weird because i am a performer. i guess it's just around people i like
Difficult: i can be
Attractive: nope
Bored easily: yes
Responsible: yes
Obsessed: with what?
Angry: nothing has pissed me off yet so no lol
Sad: yes
Happy: i can be
Hyper: yes
Trusting: it depends

W H O | D O | Y O U | W A N N A •

Kill?: it's not a who it's a what. that spider has to come back sometime, and i WILL be waiting with a hammer! hahahahaha
Slap: myself. i need a wake up call
Get really wasted with?: i don't need to get wasted so no one
Get high with: again i don't need too so no one
Talk to offline: doesn't matter, i miss ami. it would be nice to talk to her right now
Talk to online: doesn't matter
Sex it up with: um the person i love when ever i find them

• R A N D O M •

In the morning I am: groogy and have no idea what's going on
All you need is: love
Love is: giving someone the power to hurt you but knowing they wont
I dream about: what my life could be like
Sexual preference: a man
What do you notice first about the person your into: eyes and what kinda of personality they have and smiles

• W H I C H | I S | B E T T E R •

Coke or Pepsi: coke but i have to have lemon juice in it
Tall or short: tall

• D O | Y O U | E V E R •

Sit on the internet all night waiting for that someone special to im you?: nope but i do sit on the internet all night lol
Save conversations: yes i did, like when i was fighting with my friends or when they say something really funny or stupid lol
Wish you were a member of the opposite sex?: yes then i would understand them so much more
Wish you were younger: yes so that i could go in the bounce house. those things are fun!
Cried because someone said something to you?: yes

• N U M B E R •

Of times I have had my heart broken: 1 and a half
Of hearts I have broken: i hope none
Of girls I've kissed: 0
Of boys I’ve kissed: 0
Of CD's I own: a lot don't feel like counting

• Y O U R | T H O U G H T S •

I know:that sometimes you aren't always going to get what u want
I want : to find that one special person that is out there for me
I have: socks on
I wish: i had someone to send christmas with and snuggle with infront of a fire
I hate: being alone
I fear: SPIDERS!
I hear: journey playing. they rock
I search: for that one person who is ment for me
I wonder: what it's like to have that first kiss. the one that has fireworks and all that junk. i wonder if it's really like that
I love:?
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