Aug 03, 2005 13:26
Following yet another annoyed letter by an even more annoying fan, a knitter at the stadium responds: (Seattle Times 8/3)
"Stitch in nine sometime
Why Mike Wilson ["Fit to be tied: Knit one, hurl one," Northwest Voices, July 29] and Dave Butner ["Dyed-in-the-wool fan: Socks will never finish," Northwest Voices, July 30] would object to a group of fellow citizens knitting during a ballgame I cannot fathom.
Complete concentration is required for brain surgery, not for a ballgame, winning season or not.
Do these men think there is only one way to be a Mariners fan? And that only they get to decide what that is? Other taxpayers, whose money probably helped build the stadium, have a right to legally enjoy the event in their own way.
People quite often multitask their hobbies. Believe me, baseball fans will put down their knitting/book/giant foam #1 finger, etc., and concentrate on the game when there's something exciting to see.
If you gentlemen would like to put down the beer and hot dogs (multitasking?) and learn the enjoyable and complex skill of knitting, I would be happy to point you to some excellent sources. Come on, gentlemen - step up to the bat..."
They gave out T-Shirts and the Moose tossed novelty yarn to the fans. With Elizabeth Zimmerman as my witness - I'll never miss knit night at Safeco again!