Mar 31, 2006 15:20
I woke up at 6am. Ex-freakin-hausted. Got all prepared for the day, dressed in my formal business attire. Went to German, studied for my test and then took my test. It wasn't too bad. Then I went to my Stats class. Nothing new there. After Stats, I interviewed the Dean for Students at the College of Arts and Sciences (hence the business attire). He was extremely nice and the interview is going to help us so much with our project. I was really excited about that because the last interview I did with the Dean of Faculty was the complete opposite. After that meeting I ran to go meet up with Amy to get the apartment key. i was slightly late so I just met her at Harvard Ave. We got the keys copied. Even the one that clearly says "It is unlawful to duplicate this key." Obviously that is a waste of engraving effort. Then we had lunch at McD's. We walked back to my dorm area. Amy stopped the BUS in traffic to get on and I went back to my room to change. Then I met up with Maria who took me to work. I had a customer service training meeting. It wasn't all too helpful. I guess it was kind of interesting because I'm taking my OB class right now. Seriously though, they paid way too much for that consultant. I can't imagine that that training meeting is going to be worth it. Oh well - Not my money. After that meeting I went back to the School of Management for my team meeting. We put together our powerpoint presentation that is due on Friday next week. I am surprised how fast the meeting went because we all came with great ideas and the interviews helped us so much. Now we just have to draw conclusions from our findings and practice presenting. After that meeting I headed back out west to meet up with Scott, Jon, Matt, and Pete. We went to dinner at T Anothony's and then went to the Paradise to see Buckethead. We knew the opener was called "That One Guy" but we didn't know what he would sound like or what he would play. On the way in Scott bought a Buckethead DVD and I bought a Buckethead CD so that all of us could meet Buckethead after the show (I'll get back to this). That One Guy was freakin awesome. He played a Magic Pipe, a Magic Boot, and a Magic band saw. Everything was homemade. I would draw a diagram right here to describe the Magic Pipe, but I cannot. Single best instrument ever. I have no idea how he ever thought that thing up or how he figured out how to do all of the things he did with it. The boot and the saw were interesting too. He seriosuly just amplified a cowboy boot and a bandsaw then played them. The music was wicked good and he was wicked funny too. Buckethead played for TWO HOURS. It was like a one hour song then a five minute break and then another one hour song. It just didn't stop. Insaneness. His set was so loud. My ears are still ringing. It's been almost a whole day and my hearing is not back to normal. I'm pretty sure I have damaged my hearing for life. Four concerts in three weeks, the last one being EXTREMELY loud will apparently do that to you. Oh yeah, I almost forgot, Buckethead played a lot of good teaser-covers. I can't remember them all now, but I do remember Frosty the Snowman by whoever that's by and Bombtrack by Rage. So after the show. We all lined up with our special wristbands and our new Buckethead parapheneilia for Buckethead to come out and sign. Then the club people decided it would be best if they took six people at a time back to Buckethead. Then someone decided it would be best if Buckethead sat in the back room and a roadie (who was EXTREMELY nice in a kinda timid way...) came out to us, took our stuff, ran it back to Buckethead, have Buckethead sign it, and then run it back out to us. That clearly counts as meeting Buckethead after the show. Oh well, he did just play a two hour set with a mask, a hoodie, and a bucket on his head. I probably got back around 230 and today I had to wake up at 630 for class. That sucked. I'm still ex-freakin-hausted.