we can't sit back and expect others to do this

Aug 11, 2007 03:50

Who is he? David De Rothschild
This guy is more than just a cute face more than the heir to the Rothschild banking family of England. He's an environmentalist and a british adventurer whos raising awareness about the planets climate changes. He has writen educational books for children, but most importantly hes the author of an amazing book called Global Warming Survival Handbook.
He's only 28 and has done so much. Some of us may not have the same "enviro" drive as him, same money backing our great ideas, but if you like living on this planet and hope for future generations to live as well or better than we are then you should start doing your part too.

Its not hard to do at all. You just need to work this thought into your everyday routine and life.
Im going to do my part to help the problem of global warming, I suggest you pick up this book or do quick google searches to do your part too! We have 10 years to fix the problem. ONLY 10 YEARS!
If we don't fix the problem humanity will decline till we have wiped ourselves out forever.

Added Hero-ness: he doesn't own a car (remember hes apart of a wealthy well to do family), and instead he rides his bikes(! BONUS POINTS!) everywhere. Leo eat your heart out.

What can you do to help:
- Recycle glass bottles, jars, newspapers and magazines and tin cans.

- Reuse plastic shopping bags and envelopes, don't get new ones or don't use any at all. Buy a enivromentally friendly Tote-bag, they hold alot and they can be cute!

- Plant more trees

- Change your lightbulbs

- Buy vintage!

- Buy green friendly cars

- Pay all your bills online! Less paper!

- Open up a window

- Eat less red meat (Meat packing plants use 18% of the greenhouse gas emissions). Guess what folks.. there are ALOT of veggie products that mock the real thing, bet some of the products you wouldn't be able to tell the difference

- Buy more of your fruit and veggies from your local Farmers Market

- Shut off your computer

- Rake up your leaves. Dont use blowers.

- Grow a garden

- Use paper on both sides.

- Try and buy products that don't use much packaging.

- Give unwanted gifts and clothes to a charity shop.

- Only fill the kettle up with the amount of water you need to boil that time.

- Don't leave the TV or video on standby.

- Don't keep plugs in the outlet when the electrical equipment is not in use.

- Wash your clothes in cold water and buy cold water detergent.

- Hang up your clothes on a clothes line to air dry, or if a clothes line isn't available hang your clothes on a hanger over a towel.

- Switch lights off when you're not in the room

- Get off your butt and bicycle to places!

- Bring your own coffee cup to starbucks, tim hortons and etc.

- Consume Less, Share More, Live Simply

These are only a few ideas. There are so many more. Not only will you feel good about changing the way you do things, you'll notice your wallet getting fatter too.

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I did write this, but I don't mind if it gets passed around and would actually encourage it
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