Jul 29, 2004 14:48
"I know you feel like shit on a daily basis, but so do i , and so does everyone else"
Therefore, my feelings are baseless, and i should just shtu the fuck up and clean the house more. because my not cleaning the house is a huge problem in our relationship. and apparantly "no one understands how I (guy)can live with it." so apparantly im just a huge burden on everyone. and if i would make some fake promise to guy to clean the house better than all my problems will just go away.
so instead i cut the shit out of myself. (i guess my pledge to stop doesnt really matter since a. we arent going to N.c. and b. guy doesnt give a fuck about me anyway.)
i need to quit crying at work. what a stupid worthless fuck am i. Some people have real problems, and valid reasons to be unhappy. i have nothing. i suck.