Title: The Newby - The Next Generation
A Christmas Tale - Retold
Word Count: 8937
Pairing: Jack/Ianto
OC's: Owen, Rhys, Andy, Rose, The Doctor
Rating: R for violence, character death, torture and sexual content
No copyright infringement intended.
Part Five & Epilogue
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Where does this one fit into the Newby timeline? Well, it is way into the future, after the current series I need to finish! Because both Ianto and Jack are immortal [in this story - unfortunately not in the TV series!!! :/ ] they have 'pockets' of children. My main reason for this story was to introduce where Daffyd comes from because ... if I remember correctly... in the current unfinished story... we have found out he is Jack and Ianto's son from the future who comes back to help them win the war against Rassilion.
As for more? Well I need to bring the current story to its final conclusion, so I will do that and then publish it as one whole story in PDF so everyone can get to do catch up if they need to. After all it is quite a time since I did the last chapter.
After that, I am not sure. It is all down to whether or not my personal life turns around. My health is deteriorating even though I have just had major surgery again. I have to move house again in the next couple of months and deal with all the fallout that is going to cause me. To say the last three years have been absolute Hell is a huge understatement. I think that is why I don't recognise the stories I write because it is my inner self giving my brain something else to concentrate on!!!
I'd like to think there are a few more in the series! But before anything I do have to knuckle down and finishing editing my new book before I go to find a publisher! ***sits nervously chewing nails***
I am pleased you liked the ending and that there were happy tears! We all need some of those now and again!!
Happy New Year!
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