Why have I given up?

Jun 21, 2011 14:46

Someone kindly asked me the question as to why I have chosen not to do any more fanvids... and I thought I would post my reply here too!


Because I have made 152 fanvids of Jack and Ianto out of which I managed to get 140 uploaded and as it draws nearer and nearer to S4 BBC Worldwide seem to have singled me out and keep banning my vids saying I can't use Torchwood clips, even though they allow other users to freely make their vids. Frankly the BBC are not worth the fight any more!

I said I would never watch S4 and I never will - for me Torchwood ended when RTD killed Ianto off without giving the viewers to fully appreciate a gay relationship - he went for the viewing numbers rather than authenticity.

I also find the baseline of S4 to be highly offensive - out of all the things they could have made the character of Bill Pullman be - RTD chose him to be a paedophile and that is not acceptable; that is not a subject that you popularise in order to bring interest to a series unless you are going to show how the children he abused have suffered too [as in the C4 Matthew MacFadyen drama did] - RTD seems to have no boundaries, everything is fair game. His ego seems to be as big as the rest of the world and that flaw seems to soak through everyone who associates with him - egos become overly inflated!

And plus given the fact that he and the writers had a chance to bring Ianto back from the dead in the new storyline of people who can't die they missed a huge opportunity for a bit of true romance preferring to have Jack shag young barmen to give thrill to the story!

So it is time for me to climb down off my soapbox and give my life back to something worthwhile... a new interest... in the form of writing a book with my own characters... and romance being handled properly.

Who knows... at some time in the distant future... if it made it to a TV series ... I could make fanvids of my own series.

As I said on this vid... we can dream can't we!?


author: pinkpolyanthus, jack/ianto, janto, captain jack harkness, tv, torchwood, livejournal, ianto jones, fanvid, http://pinkpolyanthus.livejournal.com/ta, torchwood jack and ianto captain jack ha

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